02 - Astronomical Reflections

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No ones POV:

Lieutenant Armitage Ryker, a very young officer hailing from the Isles of the United Kingdom, however originally his family is from Greater Indonesia and Imperial Netherlands. He had originally wanted a standard military career. But, when the great world war erupted and his country remained with the UN, he steadfastly became loyal to his nation's decision. He was loved by his platoon during the world war for his competent tactics and lead by example methods, which also made him fast tracked to a promotion from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant.

Now he was one of the lucky few of military personnel that was chosen to join the journey, currently his occupation was the aide-de-camp for Head of Security Colonel José Marpolvano, a bitter commanding officer from Argentina, he was never laid ba...

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Now he was one of the lucky few of military personnel that was chosen to join the journey, currently his occupation was the aide-de-camp for Head of Security Colonel José Marpolvano, a bitter commanding officer from Argentina, he was never laid back, whit those below saying he was a bit too serious in his duties, nevertheless Armitage had to respect a senior officer.

Armitage's POV:

As the starship glided through the cosmos, I gazed out at the celestial wonders passing by. Mars, with its rusty red hue, appeared like a giant ember suspended in the void, It was hard to think that a millennium ago it was green and blue just like what our Earth used to be.

I can hear gasps rippled through the crew as Mars came into view, captivating even those who had seen it countless times before. Despite the plethora of high-definition images of the planet, nothing compared to witnessing it firsthand.

I grab my datapad and start a journal entry.

"First Lieutenant Ryker, log entry one. Ahem.. It's technically January fourth back on Earth, and right now, we're aboard one of the many thousands of Horizon-Class starships. It's quite impressive for a rushed, and mass-produced design. Sighs.. I can't believe it, leaving earth.. Anyways, Colonel Marpolvano ordered us to document the journey...

I don't have much to say, so I'll just explain our current objective. We're the fifth and final wave of the UNION expedition, tasked with rallying with the other waves of starships near Neptune. Currently, we're conserving power and slowly making our way there. After we rally with the main fleet of starships we'll prepare all ships for FTL travel to the new galaxy, Novax. And well.. that's what I'm mostly concerned about... these FTL drives, the Siphon Propulsion system, they have only been tested a few times... hopefully they work or else.. humanity dies out on earth and all of this will just be a waste... Ryker out."

I closed the journal entry and powered down my datapad, leaning back in my chair. My thoughts drifted to the upcoming journey and the excitement of arriving at a new planet. "What wonders would we find there? Aliens?" I couldn't help but feel a thrill at the prospect of exploration.

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