"True." Jungkook sighed. "Anyway, come, let's leave the kids to eat." 

Jina shot a look to Jihyung, who was sitting across the room with Sunghoon and Keeho, who he'd become friends with. Jihyung smiled back knowingly. 


The group of eager shoppers had collected outside the compound close to an hour later, Jina chatting easily with her friends as they waited for their ride to the mall. 

"What kind of a suit should I be getting, Officer?" Jihyung asked Hyunjin, who was snacking on some peanuts. 

"Mhm, a nice one. I'm telling you, Joon's parties are crazy." Hyunjin grinned, "You're gonna wanna look nice."

"I mean, I've never bought a suit before." Jihyung shrugged, and Sunghoon nodded. 

"Same here."

"Well, since you boys are on Namjoon's tab, all I'm thinking is, buy an expensive one." Hyunjin shrugged. "Make good use of that black card."

Jihyung laughed. "Well, that I can get on board with."

Finally, Jimin and Jungkook came out of the building. 

"Let's go, kids." Jungkook smiled. 

The boys split off, and Jimin and Taehyung joined the group of three girls, who smiled at them excitedly. 

"Come on." Jimin grinned, "We're going in my car."

"Woah." Jina's eyes went wide, spotting the sports car that came into view. "A Porsche 911!" 

"You know it?" Jimin looked impressed, laughing. "Get in." 

Taehyung got in the passenger seat, and Jimin started the car, putting on his sunglasses as he backed out of the parking spot. The three kids sat in the backseat, already pulling out their phones to show eachother the dresses they were looking for. 

"Jim, you have a date for the party, right?" Taehyung asked.  

"You know I dont." Jimin groaned. 

"Aw, come on." Taehyung shoved him slightly. 

"What?" Jimin sighed. "You know the last guy was a bust. I dont want to take a chance on the party of the year! I mean, is it so bad to just chill with friends this time?"

"No." Taehyung said, "You know how fun I am at parties. But still, I want to see you happy Min, ideally with someone hot."

"You know, a lot of people have said that to me recently." Jimin noted, checking quickly that the girls werent listening. "Namjoon Hyung told me I should go after Kook." Jimin whispered, and Taehyung gasped. 

"Another Jikook shipper?" Taehyung beamed. "See, I'm not the only one."

"Well, still, Jungkook's taken, remember?" Jimin said. 

"Didn't Lisa like jump Jih or something? Why haven't they broken up yet?" Taehyung scoffed. 

"Clearly, Kook sees something in her. Who am I to judge his decisions?"

"Uh- you're his best friend? You're allowed to judge her I promise." Taehyung said, snorting. "Anyway, you have a fire outfit for the party right, you have  to look smoking hot."

"Who am I impressing?" Jimin said, giving him a look. 

"Only everyone?" Taehyung said, rolling his eyes. "We're getting you something too." 

Jimin ignored him, turning to look at the girls in the backseat. "We're here. Let's go!"

They got out of the car, the group of five entering the mall, that Jina had to admit, looked pretty spectacular- even for like ages in the past.

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