The plane ride home

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Stef's: POV
We've just gotten on the plane and the flight attendant shows us to our seats in the first class section. There weren't too many passengers on board, thirty at the most
Lena took the window seat since l took it up
On the ride. She takes out her neck pillow and throw blanket cause it was a tad chilly
I guess they're trying to kill the germs
There's some type of virus going around
Maybe that's why their taking extra precaution to ensure people don't get sick
The captain comes on over the loud speaker to make a few announcements. Explaining where the bathroom is, he goes over the rules. Hopefully we will be soon taking off, cause l can go for a nap
I'm glad we only a five hour flight back to California, l called the cleaning crew to have them go to the house to clean our home from top to bottom because l know as we get home take our showers and  eat a little something before turning in for the evening, this time out of California was just we needed to recharge. When Lena invited to fly out with her for the holidays to meet her parents, l didn't know that l was going to be meeting the royal family, they welcomed with open arms and made me feel at ease. Nadia was a whole different ball game, my guess is she's so what jealous of Lena deep down inside. I'm going home a married woman it can only get better here on out, l don't know what the future has in store for us but l'm ready to find out
The plane begins to take off from the run way. I look over at my beautiful wife who's sleeping peacefully and thanking God for blessing me with this amazing woman who will be the mother of my children one day

Stay tuned for the sequel called the royal babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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