The royal wedding part 3

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Stef's: POV
I'm standing at the altar in the ballroom
Waiting for Lena to walk down the aisle
Mom and dad are sitting in the front row
I looked over to my right and saw Alex beside Oliva. This wasn't your average wedding, we didn't have a maid of honor or people in our Bridal party except the kids who were the ring bearer and flower girl
There weren't too many people here
The music begins to play everyone stood up on their feet, Hannah slowly walks down the aisle dropping white rose petals on the floor. The photographer snaps the picture
Then came hunter comes walking down the aisle balancing the ring on the pillow
I smiled at him cause he was too cute in his suit. Once he reached the altar hunter stood beside Hannah, then the guest all was standing. I see Lena and Stuart walking down the aisle, Lena  looked like a princess in her white dress with her tiara on her head. Lena sees me and smiles, l wink my eye. I step forward and take her hand in mine, Stuart went to stand next to his wife
The judge came and stood in front of us
Everybody their seats. Dearly beloved we are gather here to celebrate the union
Of Stefanie Marie foster and Lena Elizabeth Adams. Marriage isn't to be taken lightly
As you commit yourselves to each other
in the sight of these witnesses here, as you embark on this journey together.marriage is a partnership between too people you are commiting your lives as one whole
Forsaking all outside influnces, your bodies belong to one another. There will be times you will not always agree with the other
But keep in mind you are each other's mate
Never discuss your personal business with friends only with one another, Stefanie turn around face Lena. And repeat after me
I pledged myself to you and only you
This is my silent oath he says to me
I repeat the words, Lena your gonna say the same statement. Lena looks into my eyes and said the verse, moving right along
Judge Bradley speaks. We're going to move on to the vows portion and Stefanie where gonna start with you judge Bradley said
Lena l stand before you a new woman
These last two years with you have been
Have changed my life for the better,
I've never knew a love like this existed
You have seen me at my best and worst
You've given me the strength to become a better me. I thank God for sending in my life, your smile always brightens up my day when l'm having a bad day at work
Just seeing your face makes me feel at ease
Stef says to Lena. Oh gosh bare with me
Stefanie, okay l'm gonna speak from my heart here it goes. When l'm with you
I feel at home, you truly have been my anchor, when l am with you never else matters. The way you hold me makes me feel nothing can harm me, you are my best friend. My safe haven, my confidant
My everything, my rock, my protected
My missing piece l've been waiting for
I love for the woman you are. My faith has never failed, you always know what l'm thinking before l say it out loud, you are God's reflection for me this is my seldom vow Lena replies. Can we have the rings please judge Bradley asks, Stuart hands over the wedding bands, these rings are your commitment to each other Stefanie place the ring on Lena's finger and say these words. I give this ring as a token of my love for you Stef stated, Lena said the same words as she slips the ring onto Stef's finger. Do you Lena take Stefanie as offly wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward judge Bradley States, l do Lena replies. And do you Stefanie take Lena as offly wedded wife to have and to hold for this day forward, l do Stef replied. By the power invested in you and of the state of New England Massachusetts l now pronounce you wife and wife you may now kiss your bridal Judge Bradley says to me
I kiss Lena on the lips. Everyone claps
I would like to introduce you to Mrs.& Mrs. Foster Adams judge Bradley announces 

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