Chapter 11

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A gunshot went off in the alleyway next to them, the hero threw the laptop on the couch and jumped off the balcony. The villain ran down the stairs, not reckless enough to jump out an open window on the third floor.
Thankfully, Beau can manipulate gravity, so she landed just fine. The villain burst through the double doors, a bit out of breath, but the two crept into the alleyway, and immediatly noticed a body on the ground.
"Oh my god..." The hero gasped, rushing out to the person lying on the ground.
"Wait no, don't just rush in there you moron!" The villain screeched, scanning for anyone else around them. But the alleyway was empty, not another soul in sight at this hour.
"Yelena, get over here." Beau whispered, tears welled up in her eyes. The villain slowly strolled towards her, recognizing the body of the little girl. "It's Tallulah," The hero mumbled, covering her mouth. A red rose lie next to her, catching Yelena's attention.

"Wait, what's that." The villain pointed to the flower laying solemnly in the poor girl's hand. "That's a red rose, That's the MTS's mark..."
"His mark..?" The hero was wide eyed, "What kind of monster would kill a kid, a kid who wasn't even a threat..."
"That's what he does," Yelena sighed, glaring at the blood red rose. The hero turned to her with an odd look in her eyes, it was different, the villain felt like she should be afraid.
"So, what's the plan?"


The hero found a spot to bury the small child, throwing the red rose in the trash and replacing them with white orchids.
"You coming?" The villain sighed, standing behind beau with an umbrella over her head. "You can't sit out here in the pouring rain, you'll catch a cold."

"Sorry, I'm coming..."

Once they had both got back in the house, the villain dragged Beau to a closet. Upon opening the doors the hero was met with what looked like what a detective would use to solve a case in a movie.
There were red strings connecting photos of dead body's and houses, clubs and a large man with a blacked out face wearing a suit.

    "So from what I've learned so far, the MTS owns a fighting rink underground and it's packed with his goons. We need to get in there and somehow kill him." Yelena stated, pointing at a blueprint she had bought off one of the MTS's rats.
    "And how do we do that exactly?" Beau asked, folding her arms.
"Getting in won't be a problem, I've got that handled. And then depending on their loyalty we might have to fight that entire establishment." The villain sighed, leaning on the table. The hero looked over the info that Yelena had gathered over the goons she had mentioned, and all of them had bad track records. There were drug dealers, human traffickers, murderers, the whole bunch of them.
    "The goons will be easy, they don't seem all too smart, do you know of any that have abilities?" The hero questioned, looking back over the layout.
    "Not that I know of, but stay on your guard." Yelena answered, "I don't need you getting killed tomorrow."
    "You underestimate me."
"We'll see about that."


It has been 3 days of planning and looking over every one of the guards, and now the two were finally standing in front of the club.
Yelena was dressed in a black suit with gold accents, and she had dressed Beau up in a full plain black suit.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" The hero questioned, feeling the anxiety creeping up on her now. They were standing outside the club's main entrance, Yelena had gotten ID's and such sorted out, all they needed now was to walk in.
"If it doesn't work, it's not like we're gonna be scolded." The villain smiled, straightening her sleeves. "Are you ready?"
Beau nodded, taking a deep breath. "Let's go." The hero whispered, walking towards the door.
As soon as they strolled into the rusted elevator the duo could hear the music coming from downstairs, as well as a screaming crowd.
Once the elevator opened the two were met with a thick crowd surrounding small fighting cages, but in the middle stood the big cage, which looked to be where the champions battle it out. There have been many cases of people dying in these rinks, but the cops haven't done anything about it because of the man in the suit.
"You got your earpiece in?" Yelena asked, bumping into someone's shoulder.
"Yea, do we split up now or stick together?"
    "Stick together, we don't know who a lot of these people are." The villain replied, grabbing Beau's arm and walking to the main rink. A lot of people were drinking or eating or cheering on who they thought was gonna win. From what the two could see there weren't really any laws set in place here.
"Would you two like a drink?" A waiter asked, walking up to them with a few martinis on a silver platter.
"Ah, yes thank you." The villain smiled politely and handed one to the hero. As soon as the fellow walked away Yelena smacked the drink out of Beaus hands.
"What was that for!" The hero exclaimed, receiving a sharp glare.
"Don't consume anything you see in here, you don't know what's in it."  The villain muttered, trying to keep her voice low. "Act like we're dating."
"What? No-"

    "Just lean into me more, or hold my hand or something. The two guards over there are looking and we need to act naturally." Yelena stated, holding out her hand with a welcoming smile, the hero took it, following the villain around the cage where two very buff guys were brawling.
"What's the reward for something like this?" Beau asked, watching one of the guys get at least 5 good punches to the stomach.
"This is the semi-finals, whoever wins this match fights the big guy."
"The big guy..?"
"The man in the suit," The villain looked over at the hero, "I need you to take out all the guards, I would but I'm gonna be busy, and if worst comes to it, I'm sure you could beat everybody in this club anyways."

"That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me!" Beau smiled joyfully, "So you just want me to take them out and hide them or something?"
"Yes, but don't kill anybody yet, I'm gonna get as many people in my range as I can, now go." The villain replied, shooing the gleeful hero away. Around 25 people have bumped into Yelena already tonight, even the slightest brush of hands allows the villain to take over your dreams. She held her hands out and tried to at least tap every person she could see, so when the time came they would all fall into a dream state,

Over with Beau however, she had tricked almost 5 guards into fighting each other, some started charging her and she just swiped them away or switched off gravity. As long as the hero could think it, she could do all sorts of things. Once every guard in her sight was down, she pushed them all into a bathroom stall and swept a veil of  invisibility over them.

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