Chapter 8

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"Woah!" I hand flew over my mouth and took off my mask.

"Why are you following me."
I opened my eyes to see Yelena, the woman who I just served not 12 minutes ago. And also happens to be the villain I fought yesterday.
I squirmed under her grip, she was holding my wrists above my head with one hand, and was covering my mouth with the other one.
she smirked, getting closer to me. My face felt burning hot at this moment, we were in a dark secluded alley, and she had me restrained. God I read too many fanfics. She moved her hand off my mouth,

"How'd you know it was me." I glared at her, still obviously blushing. She chuckled,
I could use my powers to stop this but, I don't know it's kind of hot..?
She held a knife to my throat, "answer my question lovely, why were you following me." Yelena was still moving her body closer to mine. Saying I was flustered would be an understatement.
"U-umm. I just- I just wanted to see where you lived... you know, since you're a villain and everything." I whispered, avoided eye contact.


"How do you know I'm a villain, huh?" Yelena looked down on the hero. Yelena was at least a whole head taller than Beau.
"Uh, I- well you-" Beau sputtered, getting progressively more flustered. "I mean you were setting numerous civilians into some sort of dream state without their permission." The hero mumbled, still not making eye contact.

The villain grabbed Beaus chin and forced her head up, "Look at me hero." She sighed, looking at the hero's bashful face. Yelena smirked, "have I flustered you?" She chuckled, causing beau to be sent into a spiral.
The hero couldn't seem to get any words out, just opening and closing her mouth. The villain still had a good grip on her wrists, she leaned into the wall, pressing her and the heroes body's together. Beau squirmed around, trying to get away from her.
"Awww, can't seem to run can you?" The villain teased,

"S-shut up..." Beau muttered, turning her head away. Yelena cupped her cheek and pulled the hero in, close enough that their noses were touching.
"Make me." The villain smirked, watching the heroes eyes drift to her lips. The hero sighed,
"Fuck it." She said before connecting their lips,

As soon as their lips touched, the hero was sent into the dream world.




A/N: YIKES that was a short chapter😭

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