Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Beau Bailey. I live in Queens, New York and I am currently rushing to my part-time job in the rain. Unfortunately in my rush, I seem to have forgotten my umbrella.

"Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!" I whispered under my breath, ducking under the roof of the shop and going around the building towards the back. Upon entering I was met by multiple tired colleagues, a person that seemed to be making a drink looked back at me and smiled.

"Good morning, Don't you have an umbrella?" She giggled, leaning against the counter. I met her gaze with a sharp glare,

"Do you think I would be soaking wet if I had an umbrella?" I grumbled, taking off my coat and hanging it on a rack by the door. She folded her arms, "bitch..." I grumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" She mocked, tucking her hair behind her ear. I ignored her, asking Greta if she had an extra uniform I could borrow.

"Yea I've got one in my locker, it should be around your size." Greta  smiled, pointing to a small group of lockers on the left. "Here, I'll open it for you." She walked over and started twisting a small padlock. Greta was a pretty average woman, she had brown hair that was always in a ponytail and hazel eyes, with a pear shaped body.
(Btw, they basically work in a Starbucks)

"Thanks Greta..." I sighed, following her. She handed me a small bundle of clothes and nodded. I grabbed it and headed over to the bathroom, locking myself in a small stall. The clothes were a little big, and there were definitely noticeable wrinkles on them.

A loud 'CLUNK' hit the floor, catching me off guard. It seemed to be a small silver ring with a purple stone.
'It's probably Greta's, I'll give it back to her after our shift.' I thought.

After changing I wobbled out of the bathroom and saw a few customers already waiting outside the door.

"Beau, I made you a coffee, we need you at the register." I turned my head to voice, and saw the woman who was talking to me earlier. Her name is Effie, and you could say she is my work best friend. Effie is very... what's the word, extroverted, prideful, basically, she almost doesn't experience shame.

"Why do I always have to be at the register..?" I groaned, slumping and snatching the coffee. Effie raised a brow,

"You know why, you have very good customer service." She sighed, turning her back on me. I sighed extra loud, making sure she heard me.

"Alright guys!" A voice called out, followed by footsteps. "We are open!" Our boss cheered, "Beau!" He shouted,

"YEA!?" I shouted back, sliding on my black visor. His head popped out of a doorway, making eye contact with me.

"You're on the register for the first shift!" he pointed towards me, then slid back into his office.

"Yeah, Yeah..." I groaned, The doors had been propped open and a few customers were making their way in. I took a deep breath and a long gulp of the coffee, Walking through the gap in the counter.

"Welcome to The Coffee Corner, how are you doing today?" I repeated the same phrase I say everyday at the first woman who approached the register, and switched on my people pleaser voice. The woman smiled at me, she had a great smile...
"I'm good, how has your day been, lovely?" The woman was definitely very friendly and charismatic.

"My days been good thank you! And what can I do for you?" I asked, keeping up the soft smile plastered on my face. 'lovely?' I thought to myself.

"I'll have a Caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream, please." she leaned back and folded her arms., Still smirking at me. I could definitely hear a British accent.  I nodded and searched the drink on the small screen in front of me,

"Alright, that'll be $9.87, will you be using cash or card?" I responded, typing the order and sending it to the back. The woman reached into her pockets and pulled out a ten dollar bill.

"Cash, thankyou." She stated, handing me the bill. I grabbed it and gave her .13 Cents in change.

"Okay, and can I get a name for that order?" I questioned, holding a sharpie to a small plastic cup.

"Yel-" She cut herself off and paused for a moment, "Abigail..." The woman muttered, I nodded, writing down the name.

"Ok, your drink should be finished shortly!" I cheered.
"thank you princess~" she winked and sat down at a small table to wait for her drink. I was properly flustered, and felt a small tap on my shoulder.
"well she seems fun~!" Effie giggled from behind me, I glared at her.

"Oh shut it..." I grumbled, turning away from her and meeting the next customer.


"Hey Greta, when you gave me these clothes I think your ring was in there." I stated, walking to Greta at the end of our shift. I held up the small ring in my hand, she seemed shocked.

"Ah, it's alright, you can keep it."She smiled, waving me off.

"Are you sure-"

"I insist." She gave me an odd stare, and I shoved the ring back into my pocket, nodding slowly.

"Alright, well I'll make sure to wash these and give them back tomorrow." I chuckled nervously, backing up towards Effie. She seemed to have the same reaction I did. "Did you see that look she gave me..?"  I whispered, leaning back into her.

"Yea... That's weird, she's usually pretty sweet." Effie answered, shrugging. "Anyway, what's that ring look like!" She cheered, I took it out of my pocket, showing it to her. She examined it, taking it in her hands and checking out the stone. "Oh sick, I don't know what that stone is, but it's definitely real." She cooed, handing the silver ring back to me.

"Nice, anyways I gotta get back to my dorm, I've got a shit ton of homework to do..." I sighed,  grabbing my coat and waving to effie.

"Alrighty, toodles." she smiled, waving back.


After I had gotten home and completed at least 3 inches in height of schoolwork, I realized I hadn't gotten undressed yet. I wandered into my room and changed into a baggy shirt and sweatpants,
'Oh yea that ring.' I thought and checked the pockets of the uniform, Pulling out the small silver ring and setting it on my nightstand.

I threw the pile of clothes into the washer and slammed the lid shut, pushing a few buttons to get it going. I picked up my phone and checked the time, it read '12:34 AM' Deciding that was a good time to go to bed, I shut off the lights and flopped onto my twin bed.


As beau drifted off into a deep sleep, the silver ring that was carelessly placed onto her nightstand started glowing a vibrant purple. Continuing to get brighter and brighter,

"Ah... What-" Beau squinted her eyes, focusing her mind onto the small ring, taking it in her hands. "What is this..?" She whispered, slipping the ring onto her ring finger. It immediately shrunk in size fitting her finger perfectly, Beau was taken aback and began trying to pull it off.

The light grew brighter, almost blinding her. Suddenly Beau got a horrible migraine, and pain enveloped her body.


A massive shockwave erupted from the ring's purple stone, Knocking Beau out and causing everything to shut off. The ring, and the street lights surrounding the dorms.

A/N: I didn't originally split it into chapters, and im sorry if you find any plot holes👍

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