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And so, yet another day began...

Y/N seriously felt like he wanted to destroy his alarm right now, but he wasn't stupid, luckily for him.

And since today was Saturday, no work...

Extra time to patrol, baby.

And so, he quickly donned his suit, putting on his web-shooters afterwards, leaping out of his apartment window, and into the city of...


Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!

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Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!

And so, he swung around and moved with power, and speed.

Every swing was almost half the force of a slingshot, can you believe it?

But even then, he occasionally did some slip-ups in his swinging, despite his best attempts not to.

Like for example, sometimes he almost crashed into a building, other times he collided against a window, and it was really difficult for him to just get himself off those slip-ups quickly.

Sure, he doesn't believe he's mastered his powers 100% (which he hasn't), but he still has a job to do.

But then, after some time of swinging...


Y/N: (Gunshot... But where?)

And there he saw it...

A local store was in the middle of a robbery.

And so, he quickly made his way down there.

Y/N: "Well, look what we got here! Ready for the weekly physical, boys?"

Robber #1: "It's the Spider! Get him!" Yelled out who seemed to be the leader of the group.

And so, Y/N decided to make a quick analysis of the situation.

Y/N: (5 guys, all armed, 3 hostages... I can try to work this out. If I don't fuck it up anyway...)

He would then jump and flip across the thugs, to land near the one that was closest to the hostages, shooting a web at a fire extinguisher, and throwing it at the ground with sheer force, making it all erupt out into smoke.

The thugs were too distracted to react, so now they started coughing due to what Y/N did, losing their concentration some more.

Y/N: (My chance, c'mon c'mon let's get going.)

And then, he'd pull a thug towards him with his web as he jumped into the air, and before the thug could collide with him, he kicked him towards the other two.

Y/N: "Strike! Wow, I'm way better at bowling than you goofy bastards, haha!"

And, he kinda forgot how close he was to slamming into the ground, and...


Y/N moaned and groaned slightly in pain.

But he quickly managed to get himself back up again.

The smoke was so damn close to clearing out...

He had to take his chance here. It could be his last, if he wanted to make sure nobody died.

Y/N: (Okay... I can do this.)

And so, he decided to try out a new trick he had up his sleeve.

He quickly shot two webs, each at the two remaining thugs, quickly pulling them towards him, as he then did a side-flip, knocking them both into the corner of the store.

If that didn't knock them out, I don't know what can.

But then, Y/N failed yet another stunt.


He fell to the floor again.

And this time, he hit his head sideways.

Y/N: "Grrr..."

He was a little pissed off now, but he shrugged it off, quickly getting up, and checking up on the hostages.

They were okay, but uh... They were kinda scared of him. Looks like he doesn't have the best reputation still.

Hostage #1: "Please... Don't hurt us!"

Y/N: "Wait, why the hell would I- I just saved you-"


Y/N: "Ah, shit." He said under his breath.

And now, without saying a word, he quickly left the area, swinging away at high speeds.

He really didn't feel like taking on the GCPD right now...

Plus, the Batfamily was gonna get involved if he did...

And no way in hell was he dealing with those goofies.

"The Spider... What a name." {Female DC harem X Spider-Man!Male!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now