Take Out 2 Birds With 1 Spider

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1 day after the particular set of events from the last chapter...

Rainy afternoon...

What a great weather...

Oh wait no, that's NPC talk.

Let's focus on the protagonist instead.

Currently, Y/N was running, rooftop to rooftop, and swinging around...

Until he got on a high spot that was higher than most buildings.

His Spider-Sense started tingling again.

Y/N: (The fu-)

But by the time that he saw what it was, it was too late.

Some sort of black rope thingy wrapped around his heel.

And quickly pulled him down, making him land, and slam into a rooftop.

??1: "We got him."

??2: "And you're sure this is the guy? He doesn't really look like all that, to be honest..."

??1: "Don't start bullying people."

??2: "Not bullying, just... Giving my personal opinion."

??1: "That can also count..."

??2: "Yeah whatever, shut up."

And then, Y/N groaned a bit, slowly getting up.

But of course, they noticed, and one of them immediately tried to pin him to the floor.

??2: "Oh no you don't."

And, that angered Y/N, obviously.

So he'd quickly flip whoever it was over, to see...

[This but with the helmet on her head and none of the hair showing of course]

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

[This but with the helmet on her head and none of the hair showing of course]

Red Hood. Great.

And she tried to land a right at him.

Which Y/N would easily catch, kicking her away from him, and quickly getting up. Her doing the same, and also quickly pulling out her guns and pointing right at him.

And then, he turned to see who the other one was, and...

And then, he turned to see who the other one was, and

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
"The Spider... What a name." {Female DC harem X Spider-Man!Male!Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat