Awake And Alive

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Gotham City - 11am...

Y/N was sleeping, passed out, and invisible, on an alleyway.

But luckily, the effects of the dart was starting to wear off after all these hours...

And so, Y/N slowly woke up, grumbling quietly to himself as he did.

And then...

He noticed.

He... Couldn't see his own body?

What the hell?

He could feel it. It was there, sure, but he couldn't see it.

Was he...


Oh boy, yet another new power he just discovered...

But then, he remembed the events of last night.

And so, he quickly looked up to where he was fighting Nightwing and Red Hood, but...

Nobody was there.

Y/N: (Phew.)

And then, his body would slowly reveal itself again. Of course he was still in his suit...

He didn't stink, but his smell could be better right now.

So, still a bit tired, he jumped out of there, and swung back to his apartment, getting in through his window, and locking his door.

And then, he did the usual.

Putting his suit to wash, and yet another abrupt morning shower.

And also, he brushed his teeth.

He was gonna get breakfast later, but not now.

And then, he'd put on clothes for going out, as he then took his basic stuff: his wallet, his phone, his earbuds, and yeah.

And then, he'd leave his apartment, locking the door, and then leaving the building.

He would then put on his cyclist helmet, getting on his bicycle, and going out for a ride on the city.

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