Finishing Errands - Part 3

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Y/N would then take a deep breath...

Y/N: "Is God, just... Joking with me right now?"

Spoiler: "I was gonna catch him!"

Y/N would then chuckle.

He didn't know why the hell the goddamn Spoiler was here, but... Let's not try any bullshit now, will we?

Y/N: "And... I was supposed to know that?"

Spoiler would then pout a bit, shifting her weight to her right, and tilting her head at Y/N.

She was already a bit mad she was so easily losing the argument, but she didn't wanna admit defeat. So of course, she decided to change the subject... And plus, Y/N looked familiar in that sense.

Spoiler: "Wait... Aren't you the guy that invaded the GCPD earlier?"

Y/N would then chuckle a couple times very quietly under his breath for a second, slowly shaking his head, and putting his fists on his hips.

Y/N: "No, it was the mailman." He'd say in dry sarcasm.

He already knew that Spoiler was part of the Batfamily, so she probably already knew of his little... Meeting with Batman.

Spoiler would then chuckle at Y/N's joke. She was just as much sarcastic.

Spoiler: "Any special delivery?"

Y/N: "No, just a letter about the car's extended warranty."

Spoiler would then laugh a little, shifting her weight to her left.

Spoiler: "Well, I gotta talk to you about your career's extended warranty."

And then, out of nowhere, Spoiler got something from her utility belt, which turned into a grey metallic bo-staff. And she got into combat position.

Spoiler: "'Cause Batman doesn't like you very much."

Y/N would then start laughing, just a bit.

Y/N: "95% of people in this city don't like me very much."

Spoiler: "Oh don't worry, I know."

And then, Spoiler would run towards Y/N, trying to immediately swing at him with her bo-staff.

Of course, it wasn't too difficult for Y/N to dodge her swing, thanks to his Spider-Sense and reaction time.

Y/N: "Can you just not hit me for 15 seconds? I am seriously not in the mood."

But despite what he said, Spoiler kept swinging with agility and speed, and she even started trying to land some kicks in too.

Spoiler: "Well, I am very much in the mood for this."

Y/N: "That doesn't really matter to me."

Spoiler: "Someone likes disregarding people."

Y/N: "...What now? No I don't!"

Spoiler: "You sure make it look like you do."

Y/N: "Nuh-uh."

Spoiler: "Yuh-uh."

And they just kept doing that exchange, while also fighting.

Well, Spoiler was trying to anyway, Y/N was just hoping she'd cut the bullshit.

And yeah, after some time of exchanging, Y/N would get tired of the stupid fighting, so he'd then quickly overpower Spoiler, kicking her bo-staff away and pinning her to the floor.

Y/N: "Stop trying to commit Physical Assault."

Spoiler: "Sorry, part of the job!"

And then, she'd quickly pull out a couple of explosive Batarangs, and they were ringing, pretty damn ready to explode.

Y/N: "Oh fu-"


Y/N was sent flying, barely staying by the edge of the rooftop, and while he was doing that, Spoiler quickly got herself back up.

Spoiler: "You know, you gotta be a bit more experienced than that! Are you even trained?"

Groaning in pain and a bit of anger, Y/N would then slowly and begrudgingly get himself up.

Y/N: "And why should I answer that?"

Spoiler: "Because it's rude if you don't, duh!"

Being the sarcastic bastard he is, Y/N would spin Spoiler's sentence right back at her.

Y/N: "And I don't even know you, duh!"

Spoiler: "Oh shut up!"

Y/N: "Sorry, but I still have my First Amendment rights."

Spoiler: "I don't think you will after this!"

And then, Spoiler went for him again, trying to tackle him back onto the floor.

Y/N: "Oh no you don't."

...Seriously? Did she genuinely think she could beat him, if she's basically the most inexperienced one in the Batfamily in terms of combat, and powerless?

Y/N: (Kudos for her self-confidence, I guess.)

And then, Y/N would quickly run at her too, but he didn't consider that Spoiler still had those goddamn explosive Batarangs.

Which she did.

And she'd then slide under Y/N, throwing the explosive Batarangs at his back.

Luckily, Y/N's Spider-Sense warned him...

His anxiety levels were through the roof now.

And so, turning around as fast as he could without even thinking, Y/N shot some sort of electric energy towards the explosive Batarangs, launching them up into the night sky, where they exploded, and it kinda looked like a fireworks show.

Spoiler: "Woah... You have electric powers too?!"

And soon realizing what he did, Y/N, without even responding to her, would quickly leave the area by swinging away.

His breathing was very heavy.

He was just as shocked as she was.

And she could see that.

Spoiler chuckled to herself.

Spoiler: (...He's kinda cool.)

And she left the area too, grappling away since she already lost sight of The Spider.

"The Spider... What a name." {Female DC harem X Spider-Man!Male!Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin