Not Good Recognition, But Still Recognition

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Wayne Manor - 10:30am...

It was currently morning at Wayne Manor, and the Batfamily were all gathered together, having breakfast.

Everybody was chatting around with each other as they had breakfast.

Thea: "So... How'd the mission go?"

Jaylene: "We got him, but he... Disappeared, something like that."

Rachel: "Yeah, I was not expecting that..."

But then, Bruce Wayne, none other than the Batman himself, would speak up.

He was listening in. Of course he was.

Bruce: "I'll have to be sending in someone else then..."

Bruce would then take a deep breath.

Bruce: "Cassandra, Thea, Barbara, and Helena... I'm gonna need the four of you to track him down, and take him in. You can start tonight. Understood?"

Cassandra: "Of course."

Helena: "Seriously, Bruce? He's superhuman!"

Barbara: "Nothing we haven't seen before..."

Helena: "But still."

Barbara: "If we just manage to use our gadgets right and overwhelm him, he'll probably be out for the count, okay? We can do this, if we have a plan, and focus."

Helena would then sigh quietly.

Helena: "Fine..."

Cassandra: "Yes, that's a good plan."

Thea was just... Listening in, not really saying anything, due to her more introverted nature.

And then, Cassandra went back to chatting with her bestie, Stephanie.

And then, Cassandra went back to chatting with her bestie, Stephanie

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Stephanie: "Oh c'mon, Cass! His body was definitely a bit defined... His voice was kinda hot too, if I'm being honest. Plus, he has these cool electricity powers and stuff, so cool! Not that I like him or anything..."

Cassandra would then sigh.

Cassandra: "Steph, I'm sure he's not all that."

Stephanie: "People aren't a 100% right all the time."

Cassandra: "I'm still more rational than you."

Stephanie: "Oh shut up, Cass!" She said in a pouty voice.

And so, the family kept chattering away in breakfast, now with a new plan to capture The Spider in mind.

"The Spider... What a name." {Female DC harem X Spider-Man!Male!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now