Physical exams

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{Instead of trying to pay attention to the events infront of me, I thought back to the recent events. The warmth of Mori's gentle embrace. The advice he gave me. Everything that happens between Mori and me is unpredictable. I never know what's going on in his mind or what he's about to do.}

Continuing on

Your Pov.

It's been a two days since I explored the room in my closet. I still don't know what to do with it, but I think i'm going to mix a few things. Like one area is for hanging out. Another for painting. Another for my music. A book shelf or two. Something like that.

I have had sometime to think upon it, but i've tried ignoring it for as long as possible. And now physical exams are today. And the idiots that make up the host club have another stupid plan that'll never work. Knowing them, there'll always be something that goes wrong.

Knowing the inevitable, I got up from bed exasperatedly. I didn't want the chaos but it was amusing and fun to watch. So I was exited but not ready for today.

Yesterday Tamaki-senpai was creating a plan to keep Haruhi's gender a secret. He even came up with a formation. Haruhi, of course, wasn't to phased by anything. She didn't care wether she stayed in the club or her gender came out to the school. They had to bribe her with 'fancy tuna' or sushi.

Sure, I wanted Haruhi to stay, but I didn't want to be dragged into this. They tried bribing me like they did Haruhi, but they failed. Somehow without agreeing I still ended up helping.

I headed to my home room class to meet up with Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru before the physical exams started. And it wasn't long before it did. We all ended up walking together. Haruhi was asking questions about their plan and the exams.

When we had arrived we were met by two lines of nurses and doctors greeting us. Haruhi seemed real surprised by the amount of people.

Honey-senpai and Mori were dressed up as doctors for some reason. It was probably part of the plan somehow, but they really stuck out.

Kyoya had come over and explained it as a mood setter.

I had a nurse come up to me after Kyoya finished talking. He looked at me and gave a small nod at me. Probably to see me off.

For some reason I saw Hikaru and Kaoru flaunting there brotherly love during their exam. Instead of changing behind the curtain, they did it in the open. The girls loved it.

They looked over at me as I passed and winked. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't flustered. Despite this I kept walking. My part in this plan was to do something similar to the twins.

I'm supposed to change without the curtain but act all flustered and embarrassed. However I don't think i'll really need to act.

I did as I was told and when my physical exam was over, my cheeks were still a bit red. The girls had been squealing over me as they had with the brothers.

I walked back over to Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, Mori and Honey-senpai. They were all watching my little 'performance'.

Kyoya was talking about how "Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies". Haruhi seemed to just shrink.

I could've sworn I saw Kyoya look at me when he paused. And Mori and Kaoru looked at me right when I got there. Im not sure why. it definitely added to my already reddened state.

Seconds later Mori and Honey-senpai rushed Haruhi behind one of the curtains. This had been their plan. Distract the girls away from Haruhi, so Tamaki could lead her to another room.

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