First day of School

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 Edited on 16/1/2024


{As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.}

Continuing on

Your Pov.

It had been what felt like a short night after waking up from a dreamless slumber. Regardless of how short the night felt or how well I slept for I couldn't muster the strength to get out of bed even after snoozing the alarm 3 times.

It wasn't until Ishoki came in and literally dragged me out of bed that I got up. There was a loud thud that nobody responded to as I hit the ground. 

"Get up off your lazy ass and get ready for school. We have to leave in half an hour," Ishoki stated in a demanding tone.

I didn't respond to him, but before he left I glared at him and rolled my eyes playfully even though I wasn't really in a playful mood, especially after that kinda of wakeup. Even though I could've fallen back asleep right where I was on the ground, I got up and found my brand new Ouran high school uniform. It was a nice all blue suit with a black tie with a purple stripe running through it. 

I'll admit that the uniform did look nice and it fit nicely, however I had forgotten how uncomfortable suits were. Although with how often I'll be wearing this i'm pretty sure I get used to it soon. 

I had sat adjusting my suit for a few minutes before I headed to the bathroom to fix my disheveled (H/L) (H/C) hair, brush my teeth and grab a few accessories. The first thing I picked to go with the outfit was a silver chain. Then I grabbed a silver pair of studded earrings. I debated grabbing a pair of sunglasses or a ring but I quickly decided against both options.

(Imagine the necklace and earrings however you want.)

Once I was done with everything in my room I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs to grab some food and meet Ishoki so we could head off to the school.

All I grabbed was (F/B/F) [Favorite breakfast food] and a small bottle of water for my bag. I only then realized what time it was when I got to the front door and checked my phone because Ishoki wasn't there. 

I was ready way early. It was only 8:09 and school didn't start until 8:30. So instead of doing something productive like unpacking or anything I decided to text my friends to see how they were. 'Hey guys! I'm going to head to the new school soon. Wish me luck. I hope you guys are good. Wish I was still there with you guys.' I know they're in school right now, but I know they will check their phones soon and respond so I just have to be patient and wait.

After I sent the text and finished over thinking what my friends think about me and what everyone else I'm going to meet today is going to think I settled down on the ground in a criss-cross position scrolling on social media.

Time flew by pretty quickly after that and before I knew it Ishoki was standing next to me. He had called my name and I hadn't responded as I was to busy getting up from the ground and dusting myself off to even acknowledge him. Once I was done I had only looked at my brother and nodded my head in greeting, then headed to the black Citroën C6 parked right infront of the steps.

After we left we had both been pretty quiet. I could tell Ishoki was a bit nervous and I most definitely was too. I had the twins in all of my classes and I wasn't so sure how I would be able to handle it. Plus they wanted me to stay after and check out their club. So I had plenty to be nervous about.

Knowing Ishoki he probably wasn't to nervous about himself but more so me. He knows I don't like lots of new people especially in one place all at once. He's probably also upset that the twins are in my classes seeing how they acted yesterday when we first met them. Hopefully they'll act differently infront of people.

OHSHC x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ