The life of a host

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Edited on 16/1/2024


{After that little performance we all sat down and talked about each other and the club. Me and Ishoki learned what we would be doing and I was kinda surprised at first. And I formally joined the club. Ishoki decided he wanted to check out other clubs. A little later we were all dismissed from what I thought was an interesting and successful day. Just to do it the next day and do the real host activities.}

Continuing on

Your Pov.

After yesterday I was most certainly tired. Directly after Ishoki and I got home we had to continue unpacking. I had gotten a decent amount of sleep, but I was worried about what would be in store for us tomorrow, well today now.

I thought yesterday was an interesting day.  I just know this one will be just as if not more interesting as it is my first official day as a host. Apparently most days they have a theme to dress for and decorate for. This was news to me. But everything was news to me yesterday. Plus Ishoki decided that I would be ok without him there, so he's going to check out the music club.

Today I had woken up at a better suited time than yesterday. I had put my perfectly fitting uniform on and grabbed a chain and a few rings. It was simple and easy. Plus if I was just going to change later anyways there's no point in accessorizing a lot.

I've been told that there's no need to try and amplify the beauty that's already there, just let the natural looks bloom to be even better on their own. My mother came up with it. She got inspiration from the quote "Beauty is not caused. It is," by Emily Dickinson.

So just like the blooming cherry blossoms I will just let my appearance be. Speaking of the cherry blossoms, the host club will probably do something for the beginning of spring. I haven't known't them long, but they're not hard to figure out.

I decided not to think about what might happen today. I just wanted to get through the day and find out. But knowing the twins I probably wouldn't have the luxury of just going through the day normally. Plus, during lunch hours we meet in the club room.

The drive to school was beautiful. The newly blooming cherry trees in the perfect early spring weather. The whole drive I stared out the window admiring the lovely scenery. My mind wandered to Ishoki after a while. It was surprising that he would let me join the club alone. Maybe he trusted them, but then he would want to keep them from hitting on me or flirting with me. I really don't know what to think.

Thankfully before I could overthink it to much we were at the enormous pink school. I still don't understand why out of all colors they chose pink. I like the color, but for a school. It's just an odd choice.

The twins and Kyoya-senpai were waiting outside for us again when we got there. A bunch of girls and even some guys were looking in our direction. It was probably Kyoya, Hikaru and Kaoru because they are in the host club. All of the host club seems popular in the school.

I wasn't planning about talking about, but Kyoya just had to say something. "You seem to be popular with the girls already. I suppose word has gotten out that your a host." He sounded amused even with his smug yet monotonous voice.

I looked at him confused, but realized he was right. It wasn't them they were looking at, it was me. Ishoki didn't seem to happy about it, but Kyoya, Hikaru, and Kaoru walked around me to shield me away from the stares. It seemed as if they knew Ishoki was going to try doing it and just did it themselves, but Ishoki looked just as surprised as I did.

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