The Host Club's Party

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Edited on 16/1/2024


{All that was talked about was details about the party next week which I had already been told about. The club would meet, but weren't taking clients so we could plan the party and teach Haruhi how to dance.

I was glad to get home. I mean the host club was fun and I enjoyed it, but it was a lot. Plus it was a lot better coming home to a fully unpacked house.}

Continuing on

Your Pov.

The school days were boring and I found myself actually looking forward to club hours just for something interesting to happen.

The week before the big party we were hosting was chaotic. We were constantly working on the preparations. Haruhi got off the hook though. She had to learn how to dance so one of her clients, Kanako Kasugazaki, came in to teach her.

Tamaki sulked in a corner while eating commoners ramen. I grimaced from his childness.

Due to being the heir to a flower company I was asked to supply and arrange the flowers for the party. I also helped figured out and discount the musicians. Kyoya seemed impressed that I knew so much about business, but I guess it comes with the family. He seemed happy with the progress and the amount the club saved. While I was over with him he wanted to discuss the outfit I would be wearing.

"As your clients have suggested your going to have some sort of flower aspect to your outfit. You can pick the color and what kind of tie you want. After that everything else will be left to Hitachiin-sama's best interest."

"Alrighty then. I trust Hitachiin-sama's choices. Can I have a (F/C) bow tie and (F/C) suit?" I asked already knowing what Kyoya would do.

As expected Kyoya nodded and wrote in his death note book. The only difference between this time and any other is that he smiled. And it was a real, genuine smile.

I smiled in return. "You should smile more often Kyoya-senpai, it suits you."

He looked at me with an unreadable expression with a red tinted face then turned away. "Well, I should probably go work on another thing that needs to be worked on."

"I can help if you want."

"That's quite alright. I believe you have done more than enough to help. Thank you though." He said thank you.

The two words alone made me smile a small smile. A small, slightly sad smile. Then he walked away, not even seeing the smile that faded quickly.

Mori seemed to notice it though. He walked over, sitting in the spot next to me. The spot Kyoya had been in not even a minute ago.  Despite the lingering thoughts of Kyoya I smiled shyly at Mori.

"Did Kyoya do something?" Mori's usually blank face now showed concern.

"No. I said something dumb and then I asked if he needed any more help with anything and he denied my help." I looked down at my hands that were neatly placed in my lap. I wanted to hug Mori or anyone really. I don't know why I feel so upset, but I don't want to feel it.

Mori probably sensed something was wrong and pulled me closer to him. Now we sat in silence, holding each other. I could feel his breath on my neck and the steady beats of his heart. Although his heart beat did sound fast.

He was warm and comfortable. He really knows how comfort someone. Maybe being with Honey so much made him learn how to deal with this. Or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, it was great.

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