Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town

Start from the beginning

"So, you're a witch?" Julia asks.

"That's what my mom said." Bonnie comments back.

"You know I'm just trying to have a conversation you don't need to be a little dick about this."

Bonnie looks right at Julia and raises a brow.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel like having a conversation with either of you. Just tell my mom I went for a walk." Bonnie steps off of the porch and Julia shrugs.

"Bye bye witch-bitch."

"Julia, we can't just let her go like that. She'll get lost around here."

"So, let a wild fox find her and feast on her innards. She was rude and I don't care."

I get up and run off after her.

"Wait up." My cousins calls off after me.

We manage to catch up with Bonnie and she just ignores us as we keep walking beside her.

"You know, Jules. I heard they never did catch that killer."

"No, they didn't. I think they said that he was last seen about a town over. Man sucks what he did to that girl...You know Bonnie you kind of look like her. Right Andy?"

Bonnie gives us both a glare and I nod.

"She does. Man I would hate to be walking out here alone."

"Fine, you two won't leave me alone so I guess I'll have to tolerate you both."

"We are a package deal." Julia and I both smile at her like a couple of idiots.

"Okay, since we're at least hanging together how about we go sit in the old tree house with this?"

Julia reveals a bottle of Jack Daniels from her jacket.

"Where did you get that?" I ask as I reach for the bottle.

She snatched the bottle back and smirks.

"Let's just say dead bugs weren't the only thing I found in the garage. So what do you say ladies?"

I look at Bonnie and she shrugs.

"Fuck it."

Julia does a mock gasp. "Did the new girl just say fuck it? Oh my virgin ears."

"Jules, you swear like a sailor. Lets go before Nana calls us to go to the store." I lead the way and hear Julia call me a party pooper.

We sit in the old treehouse passing the bottle around.

"You bitches better not have cooties." Julia says as she chugs.

"Hey, Bonnie. Did you ever get your cootie shot?"

"I don't think I have Andy. Oh god Julia. You probably have my cooties." I snort a laugh and they both join me.

"I guess you're not a witch-bitch after all. Just a bitch."

"Gee thanks." Bonnie takes the bottle and drinks. She offers me the next drink but I pass.

"Careful Bonnie, you don't want to ruffle little Andy's feathers."

"I'm not being a goodie-goodie. I'm just taking the responsibility of being the driver when we go to the store. Can't drive if I'm buzzed."

"Well I'll take more thank you very much." I sit back and watch both of them for a little.

"So, while we're here we have to have a summer fling. Who's down?"

"I'm in. The boys back where I lived we're all creeps."

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