blue screwed his eyes shut ready to feel the impact of the fall, yet when he didn't feel anything he slowly opened his eyes and looked down to see he was up in the air?

'dust' horror said in relief, while blue blinked before realizing that he is currently in dust's arms, 's-sorry' he stammered out, he looked up and immediately blue realized how close his face was to dust, a blush began to spread onto blues face, and the longer they stared at eachother the closer their faces got , eventually they're faces were one inch apart, just a little closer then they would ki-
immediately blue pulled away, his face glowing bright with a blush 'sorry' he hastily said as he covered his face

'y-you can put me down now' he said slowly growing embarrassed

waiting for dust to put him down, blue looked back up to dust in confusion when he didnt place him down before he suddenly let out a yelp of surprise, clinging onto dust when he started walking, eventually he was placed down onto a chair

'are you okay?' he asked, and blue nodded not knowing what to say 'be..... more careful... blue, that fall.... woulda.. cracked yer... skull if... dust didn't...... catch.. ya... in... time' horror said coming up to the two of them with the pot of soup placing it onto the table before turning towards blue and gently pried the bowls out of his hands

blue looked down to the ground 'im sorry'
he muttered out 'its... alright,... just... be.... careful, kay?', he nodded


chatters and laughter filled the kitchen as everyone ate their soup -except for error, who only ate his chocolate-

dream let out a sigh at the positive aura surrounding everyone, before he turned his gaze towards his brother who was grumbling as he was fed by cross, giggles escaping the other when the spoon of soup missed and instead went to the side of nightmare face

a small sad smile made its way onto dreams, he was happy, ....yeah, if his brother is happy then he is happy, even if it means that he wont be able to have him back in his life anymore, even if it means his brother hates him.......

standing up dream excused himself with a polite smile, placing his dirty dishes in the sink before thanking blue and horror for the meal, going back into the theater room, not noticing the concerned look he got from nightmare, he sat down on one of the plush bean bags and let out a sigh when he sunk into it

'ya okay?' dream jumped in surprise before looking at the skeleton who decided to keep him company
'killer?, weren't you still eating?' 'i got full so i placed it in the fridge, now dont change the subject' he playfully scolded dream causing him to chuckle

'im alright, just thinking' he said staring at the screen that was currently loading
'whatcha thinking about?' dream frowned a little bit 'sorry that was bit insensitive of me, ain't it', dream shook his head ' no,no ,no your fine, i just-' dream was suddently cut off by the screen making a small beeping sound, causing the others to run into the room concern and worry in their aura's, relaxing once they realized that it was from the screen

ink looked at the screen and then to the others 'what do you think is happening?', he spoke out breaking the silence that has permitted the air 'were about to find out' nightmare muttered out, everyone looked at the screen and watched as a loading bar appeared

    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||   290%

everyone went tense

    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||   295%

cross screwed his eyes shut

     ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  300%

everyone waited with baited breath, yet when nothing happened, they looked towards the screen and groaned feeling absolutely stupid

dreams eyes went wide, his breath catching itself in his throat as he stared at the screen

Dreamtale (dream)

'looks like its yer turn now' killer said patting dream on the back
'y-yeah, haha, its my turn' he said his eye lights shrinking 'l-lets get this over with'
'are you okay, dream?' ink asked, yet dream ignored him and sat back down on the bean bag, bringing his knees up to his chest


chapter done

yes i headcannon horror speaking slowly due to his head injury (im pretty sure alot of people do) , when horror first got the injury he couldn't speak, he could only let out grunts or hums ,the only reason as to why he could speak was because of papyrus but even then, he still had a hard time , and with their situation in the underground papyrus wasn't able to teach him much, which is why before horror met the gang he would only say a word before going silent

when he first met the gang, he always ended up pissing killer and dust off because of his lack of responses whenever they talked to him

when they found out about why he was like that they were super upset with themselves and wouldn't stop apologizing

they had made it their mission too help horror speak and after that horror made great progress, he was able to speak in full sentences now, but at a slower pace

well thats all for now, byeee

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