the portal and theater?

Start from the beginning

'ya know who could hav't brought us here boss?' killer asked sitting down on one of the soft bean bags

nightmare shook his head before turning to error who was trying to get a portal to open

'NighT*m@rE m-mY p0RtAl§ wwwoN't W-woR'K' error said his voice glitching more then usual, that caused everyone to tense, nightmare tried to open his own portal, only to wince when a small throb of pain shot through him

'i cant summon my magic' cross said as he tried to summon his hack knife, the others tried to summon their own attacks only for nothing to happen, worry and a small bit of fear permitted the air causing nightmare to frown

'wha-' nightmare spoke only to get cut off as the same portal opened up, all of them went tense waiting for whatever will come out and as they stood there all of them picked up the sounds of screams and yells of familiar voices before three skeletons were suddenly spat out, immediately the smallest one tried to go back into the portal only for it to disappear

'fuck', the yellowed dressed skeleton said as he rubbed his skull looking at the place the portal used to be 'dammit all' the short one said as he began to try and create a portal

'calm down ink, its no use to getting angry over this' the blue dressed skeleton said as he placed his skeletal hand onto the short skeletons -now named ink- shoulder

ink sighed before placing a hand in between his eye socket 'your right blue sorry' ink said turning towards blue, his eye lights changing from purple and red to yellow and green

'dream you okay?', ink asked the yellowed dressed skeleton who was currently was rubbing his skull with a frown

'huh?, oh yeah im fine, just' dream stopped for a moment, hesitation clear on his face before it disappeared within a blink of an eye, replaced with a smile 'its nothing'

a cough interrupted them causing them to whip around with a small cracking sound causing the bad sanses to wince, a small bit of concern etched onto their faces at the thought that they might have cracked a bone

immediately blue got infront of the others his face pushed into a frown as he glanced from one bad sans to the other, immediately he tried to summon a bone attack only for nothing to appear, causing his frown to deepen and his posture to turn more tense

' i cant use my magic', blue muttered to the other two, causing dream and ink to frown, trying to feel their own magic only to feel nothing -yet a deep part of dream bursts in joy at the prospect of not having his guardian magic anymore-, knowing for the fact that if they were to fight with the bad sans they would surely lose

'what are you doing here?, were you guys the ones that brought us here?', blue snarled out ready to attack

nightmare shook his head and sighed already tired of this 'sorry..... blue bird......, but...we didnt', horror slowly teased,  causing a smal blush to form on blue's face, which went unnoticed by everyone, slightly shaking his head, blue's eyes narrowed before snarling 'how can i know your not lying?' blue demanded, his aura slowly becoming wary, scared and exhausted, causing nightmare to raise a 'brow'

'blue, hes telling the truth' dream said placing a hand on blue's shoulder, causing his tense form to slowly relax, blue sighed

'alright, but if they even breath or move even the slightest bit out of line then i swear to whatever deity is up there that what happens next wont be pretty' blue said before turning towards ink and wrapping his arms around his waist before picking him up and sitting down on one of the seats, with ink now beside him, blue curled up against him burying his face onto inks shoulder causing both dream and ink to chuckle in amusement, dream sat down beside ink and leaned onto his shoulder

the bad sanses just stared at them slightly shocked at what just happened, before they shook it off and sat down on the bean bags

'error!, how ya doin pal?' ink asked with a small giggle while staring at error

a yellow blush dusted errors cheeks causing him to look away in embarrassment 'i-iM 0kAY §q-QuId' he replied while the others -except for blue- looked at the interaction in wonder, while killer smirked mischief glimmering in his aura yet before killer could tease error the screen suddenly came on, causing all of them to look at it as words began to appear

greetings star sanses and bad sanses
i see you all have made yourself comfortable,
thats good

'who are you, and why are we here?' dust who was silent ever since they got here demanded, the words on the screen began to change

who am i?
that is something you dont need to know,
as to why i brought you here?,
you are here to react to the past, present, future,
you are here to react to each other
and the secrets you have all hid from one another,
you are to see the truth

yells of protest rang out before dream spoke up 'and what if we dont want to?' he asked as his gaze narrowed

if you dont want too?
oh my dearest
if you dont want to watch
then you shall stay here for the rest of your sad excuse of a life and suffer

the only way to leave is to W A T C H

at that everyone became unsettled at the sudden shift of mood, before watching as the screen changed from words to a scene of a white void?

everyone looked to one another
'i guess we're watchin then' killer said causing others to agree

with no other choice ,everyone got comfortable and prepared themselves mentally for what was about to happen....


Authors note

im tired , my other fic called "solo leveling" might not be continued, i have left the fandom and i probably wont find the motivation to continue it, so i apologize to those who are awaiting a new chapter

thats all


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