Eclipse didn't trust him THAT much. He watched and glared and Solar, seeming to notice his glare, nervously twitched his ray. He softly said to Sun "hey" Moon looked up at him way from the phone and tilted his head curiously at Solar.

He coo'd in reply before turning back to the phone, Solar watched him and sat down. Eclipse watched him like a hawk and Solar asked him "whatcha watching?" he asked them, BloodMoon squeaked and snatched the phone away from Moon, Moon yelled and pushed at his face and BloodMoon pointed at the screen showing Bluey. 

"Oh!"  Solar exclaimed in surprise "he lets you watch that?" BloodMoon coo'd and Moon screamed loudly and full on started to attack BloodMoon. BloodMoon was unconcerned however and Solar's rays went back at the screaming and Eclipse muttered "you get used to it..." Sun waddled up to Solar and looked up at him with wide eyes and opened his mouth.

He let out the most adorable squeak Eclipse has heard him make so far, Solar stared down at him "why is he so cute...?" Eclipse grunted walking over "because he is," he snatched Sun up who nibbled his arm instantly. Sun clamped down on his ray next and Eclipse said to Solar "how about you sit down" he made it very clear that he didn't trust Solar enough to be going near the babies. 

Solar teased "your a dad" Eclipse scoffed not wanting to fight right now "I know. Sit, you need rest, you aren't used to such long walks, look at you, you're exhausted" Solar scoffed but listened,  BloodMoon and Moon watch Bluey and Sun is content. Eclipse walked back over to Lord Eclipse and lifted up a corner of the blanket. 

Lord Eclipse looked at him and shimmied back slightly "h-hi-" Lord Eclipse said and Eclipse said softly "hi" Eclipse had a "brilliant" idea, in his defense, Lord Eclipse looked very pickupable, wait is that a word?

Uhh, probably not.

So Eclipse scooped Lord Eclipse up, he was smaller than him so it was simple. Solar stared in surprise and Eclipse said "no idea why I did that" Lord Eclipse stiffened up in the blanket as Eclipse held him, "umm.." Solar said  "at least you aren't holding him bridal" Eclipse scoffed "I would never" Solar sighed "you holding him like a cat!" Eclipse sighed "he's easiest to hold this way."

Solar looked at him in confusion "but why'd you pick him up in the first place?" Eclipse had no idea. "I- have no idea why actually, I just did it" Solar stared in bewilderment before shaking his head and grumbling, Lord Eclipse calmed down and just laid there.

Eclipse said "he's such a bean boy now" Solar looked at him in surprise "never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth"and Eclipse said "what? It's true!" Computer said "Eclipse is right, he is a bean boy!" Solar looked at Lord Eclipse snuggling into the blanket "I guess you're right... but he is really trusting..." Eclipse sighed "your right... it's worrying" Lord Eclipse is silent.

"Hey, you gonna say something?" Eclipse asked Lord Eclipse, Lord Eclipse's round rays pointed towards him and he murmured softly in reply. He obviously did not at all trust Solar, Solar frowned at him "wasn't he an overlord of a dimension or something?" Eclipse sighed "part of what I'm worrying about, he was a powerful robot, would have snapped you out of existence without a thought, and now he's well... this." 

Eclipse put Sun down with the others to watch Bluey and Lord Eclipse was silent, watching Solar like a scared hawk. Watching his every movement while trying to seem small in the blanket, "yeah..." Solar said "it's scary actually" Eclipse nodded and said "indeed" Solar walked forward and Lord Eclipse flinched and pressed himself into Eclipse's body to try and get away desperately.

"Jeez chill!" Solar cried out in surprise, he stepped back a couple steps and Lord Eclipse watched him wearily. He was now clinging again. Great.

Eclipse groaned "well... uhh... this sucks gonna be honest" Lord Eclipse watched Solar in distrust, "I'll just keep my distance" Solar said stepping back more and leaned on a wall. "I said to sit down!" Eclipse said annoyed and Solar said "right, I forgot" Eclipse rubbed his temples and slowly Lord Eclipse eventually calmed down entirely.

He kinda just hung out in the blanket in Eclipse's arms silently, Eclipse was used to this weird behavior at this point and said "well, Solar, no idea how you ended up finding my bunker. Sure, I know you were material scavenging but the chances of you deciding on this bunker... very slim" Solar groaned "I know! It was very awkward to see you peek through the door!" Eclipse sighed "yeah, indeed."

Eclipse asked "you know your way back?" Solar replied "no... my GPS broke halfway through..." Eclipse gave him a look of disbelief "how?!" Solar said "I think the stupid satellite is having problems or whatever" Eclipse sighed and tried to mark a random location, nothing. "Well... you're not the only one..." Solar and Eclipse were silent for a long moment before Eclipse asked "how'd you even find the bunker-?" Solar muttered sadly "I walked in a random direction for two hours straight..." oh? OH. He could have possibly been walking for a couple hours more than he should have if he was close. So he got lucky and happened to run into it, wow, talk about luck.

Eclipse said then "looks like you're staying until the satellite gets fixed"

"Aw man..."

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