I'm Sorry Ayden

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"This is unbelievable," Annabeth shook her head. "You are seriously trying to blame this on us?"

"Hey!" Percy interrupted everyone. "Clarisse what exactly did the oracle say?" So she explained it. In Ayden's mind at first, she thought that maybe it was just Clarisse's luck that screwed them over, but she realized that maybe they all weren't supposed to make it back to camp at once.

"You have to take the fleece," Percy muttered. He grabbed the golden cloth from Cameron and handed it to her.

"What?" Annabeth scrunched her face. "No."

"How would I even get back?" She sassed. Tyson pulled his back from his shoulders and ruffled through it. He pulled out a bag of money. "Never mind."

"Tyson, you are brilliant!" Cameron cheered as she threw her arms in the air.

"We aren't seriously letting her go back alone, right?" Annabeth asked. She stared at each of them with wide eyes. "She's going to take all the credit."

"It was my quest," Clarisse snapped. She grabbed the money from Tyson's hands. "I will get it there in time. I won't fail." Percy moved closer to the road getting her a taxi.

"Not failing would be nice!" Cameron yelled after her. She was slightly joking.

"We are never welcome back to camp," Annabeth muttered to herself.

"We will be," Ayden tried to assure her as they watched the taxi leave.

"Now we just have to find a way back to camp," Grover put his hands on his hips. Ayden turned to see a sword pointed at her.

"That's not—." Grover turned as well. Behind them was Luke and his monster army.

"Fancy meeting you here," Luke tilted his head as he looked over to Percy. "Try to teleport or anything Ayden and I won't hesitate to hurt any of the others." He threatened.

"Luke," Cameron muttered. Ayden could hear the pain in her voice. Luke didn't look at her. He knew not to make the same mistake twice.

"Move," One of the bear twins came forward grabbing Ayden by the back of the neck.


"Don't even think about it Jackson," Luke moved his sword toward Percy. Annabeth was grabbed as well. The other bear twin going after Cameron and Grover. Tyson was forced to stand down while they were moved back onto Princess Andromeda.

"Well now that we are all a happy little family once more, hand it over," Luke demanded. The others were set down, but the bear still had its hands on Ayden keeping her held tightly.

"We don't have it," Percy shot back. Luke lifted his sword as he moved closer to him.

"You do," He nodded. "Give it to me."

"We don't have it," Cameron spoke. Luke turned slowly. Ayden could see the way he tried to keep the rage in his eyes, but he just couldn't. Not when he looked at her.

"You–Clarisse," He snapped. "Get me a ride!" His monsters ran to get him what he needed.

"I don't think that's wise, Luke," Annabeth added. "The sky is Zeus's domain. He will strike you down for what you've done."

"Shut up!" Luke snapped. He was standing in front of a fountain on the ship. A mist was spraying up behind him. Percy threw something forward. The coin disappeared into the mist.

"She'll get to Camp Half-Blood," Percy spoke as the mist turned into a familiar rainbow. "Probably even find Mr. D too."

"No, she won't," Luke snapped. "I've worked too hard. The plan has to work."

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