I'm Going To Die In The Sea

Start from the beginning

"I need you to tell me what is happening?"

"I don't even know for sure," Ayden rubbed her forehead. "Kronos is going to use Ki as a vessel I'm pretty sure. He's been invading both of our dreams for days now trying to convince us."

"That's what happened back on the boat," Percy nodded. "And what about Ares?"

"He has unclaimed me and put out a kill call."

"Why did you come on this quest then?" Annabeth asked. "The camp was the only thing keeping you safe from the gods."

"Well, at this point I don't care anymore what they want to do to me. I am not going to let them kill me until I get Ki out of that stupid box." Ayden shook her head. Annabeth stared at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"I don't know why you're apologizing to me," Annabeth tucked her hair behind her ears.

"I know how much he means to you," Ayden muttered as she stared at her hands.

"We had to leave him," Annabeth muttered. Ayden pulled her knees to her chest. "He knows that Ayden, but we won't abandon him. We have to deal with camp and then we can figure out a way to get him free." Ayden had a plan. The start of a very complicated plan, but one nonetheless.

"Guys," Cameron opened the door. "We've got an issue–." Tyson smiled behind her with powder on his lips.

"Donuts," He smiled and showed them the powdered donut.

"What? There's not—," Annabeth moved past Cameron outside the hut. "Where?"

"In the woods back there," Tyson smiled. Annabeth grabbed his donut throwing it into the woods.

"That's a monster donut shop," Annabeth added.

"We are really close to one," Cameron muttered. "They will probably sniff us out soon if we stay here." Just as she spoke they heard a noise in the woods.

"Sh," Ayden put her finger to her lips as she teleported around the trees. Seeing a hydra monster. She teleported back to them with big eyes.

"What was it?" Annabeth asked.

"Hydra," Ayden muttered. "None of us have firepower."

"Good thing we don't need that," Cameron smirked as she walked out in the open.

"I'll cover you," Ayden followed after her.

"What are you both doing?" Annabeth snapped. Percy, Tyson, and her were slowly following after each of them.

"Relax, we've trained for these kinds of things, we've got it," Cameron waved her hand in the air. Ayden stepped out in the open catching the hydra's attention. Each of its heads turned to her.

"Ah, you're ugly." It spits a few fire blasts at her, but she was able to teleport each time it struck the ground. "Cameron!" Ayden yelled as she grew closer to the creature.

"On it!" Cameron dropped from above them. She threw her hands across her chess in an 'x' pattern as vines came from all around locking the creature in place. One of the heads snapped at Ayden, but she was shoved out of the way. She teleported around seeing Percy standing beside her.

"Thanks," She breathed. He nodded. The two of them turned back to see Cameron wrapping the last snake head to keep it closed.

"Awesome," Tyson smiled.

"Seems like you are used to doing this," Annabeth added.

"Fire!" They heard a familiar yell from the shore and then a cannon blast. The group moved back out near the shore.

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