"Yes!" She grabbed it and teleported back as she hit play and then turned the volume up to full. Tyson and Percy were hitting some birds as they started to settle. Clarisse came around the finish line of the chariot path. She had thrown a net over herself and her second. Ayden wanted to scoff, but she didn't have that much focus. She was breathing heavily as the birds started to run into one another. Annabeth yelled out at other campers instructing them to fire at the birds now that they were confused. Ayden rested her head in her hand as she fought through a dizzy spell.

"Hey," Percy knelt beside her. "You okay?"

"I'm great," She blinked a few times. "This is a lot of fun." Percy helped her up.

"Well you were right," He muttered. They both turned to see Clarisse jump out of her chariot. The bird's chirps had finally died down. Annabeth had turned off the music and all seemed to calm.

"Bravo!" Tantalus applauded. He looked at Ayden and then past her. "We have our first winner!" He walked past everyone toward Clarisse handing her the golden laurel. She was stunned, but it quickly faded as she threw her hands in the air. Other Ares kids cheered for her. "Now to punish the troublemakers." Tantalus walked over and looked at Annabeth and Percy. "You both come with me." Ki and Cameron came to Ayden's sides as she glared at Tantulus as he walked the two back to the big house.

"He's going to blame them for this," Ki scoffed.

"Of course he is," Ayden rolled her eyes. "If he wasn't already dead, I would kill him again, I swear."

"I worry for you sometimes," Cameron muttered. "But I agree."

"Thank you." Ki and Ayden said at the same time.

Annabeth and Percy were on dish duty and cleaned up after the whole bird disaster. Tantalus decided that they were going to have a feast in Clarisse's honor and it would be with the Stymphalian birds. Cameron, Ki, and Ayden had to sit at their separate tables. Ayden was standing near one of the pillars as she picked at her food.

"Ayden!" Tyson yelled. He waved his hand proudly in the air. Ayden smirked and moved over to their table. She could see Mr. D glaring at her as she moved closer to the cabin 3 table, but she didn't sit down so she didn't break any rules.

"Hey boys," She smirked.

"You were amazing," Tyson smiled.

"Do you like camp so far?" she set her plate down. "It's pretty fun right?"

"Oh definitely," Tyson nodded. He was staring at her plate.

"Do you want this?" She pushed the plate closer to him. He laughed and put her bird on his plate taking a bite.

"Tyson—never mind," Percy chuckled as Tyson smirked at him with the chicken in his teeth.

"Ki told me we might be confronting Tantulus and Mr. D for a quest, is that true? Also when?" Ayden put her hands on the table as she leaned forward.

"Hopefully soon, the longer we waste being here, the more danger Grover is in," Percy explained. Cameron and Ki stood up as well coming over to their table.

"Ayden!" Mr. D yelled. "Stop crowding the tables!"

"Sir!" Percy shot up.

"Oh, our dishwasher has something to say," Tantalus laughed. So did a few other campers. Annabeth stood up as well from Athena's table.

"We have an idea to save camp," Percy explained. A few other people laughed, but as Ayden, Ki, and Cameron moved closer to his table showing their support they stopped.

Turning Tides | P. Jackson Books 1-5Where stories live. Discover now