Episode 3 - Under Leadership

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Dan and Charlie made their way to the fence in order to begin their task for today given by Archie, taking out any zombies against the perimeter. It was a long, boring process but at least the two friends could spend some quality time together. "God I can't believe that twat has us out here in the cold whilst he's doing fuck all!" Exclaimed Dan in annoyance. Charlie nodded in agreement as he pierced the skull of a straggler pressed against the fence, "I know man, just to think after everything, our history with him, Jenny and Daurine, we're doing work for them now". The two continued walking along the fence perimeter, jabbing their javelins through the brains of any zombie pressed against it. The cold air nipped at their skin as they worked, and the dreary atmosphere of Glynne's exterior added an extra layer of discomfort. "Wonder what he's got planned for us next? Probably clearing out the rest of the school, whilst the four of them sit around on their arses" Assumed Charlie. Dan chuckled in agreement, "Yeah that wouldn't surprise me." Replied Dan, his mind seemed to be elsewhere. "You okay, man? Something on your mind?" Wondered Charlie. Dan just removed his javelin from the skull of a zombie and looked to Charlie. "I just... keep thinking about our group. I don't wanna lose anyone else. I keep thinking about Kate and Craper, literally anyone else of us could go next when we least expect it and not to mention we still havent seen any sign of our other lost friends" Confided Dan. Charlie's expression softened, realising the gravity of Dan's emotions, "Well if It makes you feel any better, I think about it too, you aren't alone man, I worry about it everyday but I just cover it all up with all the jokes and humor. But now that we're here at Glynne I hope things can change and we'll be safer, we just need Archie out the way" Reassured Charlie. "Thanks, yeah you're right maybe things will change now" Hoped Dan. "We just gotta focus on what's ahead and keep moving forward. At least we aren't alone in this mess, it makes it more bearable, you know?" Responded Charlie, "Yeah true, now come on, let's get this shit done" Laughed Dan as he patted Charlie on the arm. The two then continued along the fence, thrusting their javelins into the skulls of the undead and having the occasional laugh with each other.

Back in the library Archie, Jenny, Daurine and Mike were busy themselves. Except instead of being productive they were preparing to smoke the weed that Daurine had scavenged and get high. They all had a joint each rolled up, ready to be smoked. "Here we go guys, we've earned it" Laughed Daurine. Mike lit his up first using his lighter and took a drag, he then passed the lighter to Daurine, who lit up hers, and then to Jenny and lastly Archie. The four had all lit their joints up and began taking hits, with the pugent aroma filling the library completely. Soon after the weed began kicking in and made the four laugh uncontrollably. "SEE this is why I love you!" Giggled Mike to Daurine whilst holding his joint. "Ohh stop it you- HAHAHAHA" Laughed Daurine. The four were completely off their faces. "Damnn I've forgotten this feeling, its so good we gotta do this more often" Exclaimed Jenny, "Shitttt yeah for real, is there anymore puff left Daurine?" Asked Archie, completely high. "Of course there is silly!" Tittered Daurine as she took another drag.

The aroma of the weed travelled through the corridors and it made its way into the kitchen area, where Stinkapoo and Rose were, who were about to prepare the food for tonight. Stinkapoo caught a whiff of it. "Jeez, is that weed?" Gagged Stinkapoo. Rose smelt it too, "Yeah I think so, where the hell is it coming from?" She wondered.
"Take a guess" Uttered Stinkapoo, "Oh my god of course its them, lazy fuckers. We're all working while their getting high! Whatever I don't wanna get involved and confront them, let's just get on with this" Sighed Rose as she touched Stinkapoo's shoulder. The two then went back to focus on the task at hand, determined to prepare a meal despite the distractions from the library. They both scanned the available ingredients and thought out a simple yet satisfying dinner for everyone. "Tell you what, we'll make a stew." Decided Stinkapoo. Rose nodded and smiled in agreement, "Yep, it doesnt have to be fancy, just to keep everyone going"
"Maybe we could slip some poison into Archie's portion" Joked Stinkapoo. Rose laughed out loud, "If only there were some lying around" She smiled. Stinkapoo smiled back and they began to chop up some vegetables and emptying cans into the bowl for the stew. Rose then carried the bowl over to the stove to boil but there was a slight problem, there was no gas. "Oh shit of course there's no gas or electricity or anything now!" Moped Rose. "Great, what are we gonna do now? Have cold stew?" Huffed Stinkapoo. Rose then thought for a moment, "Hmm. Nope. I have an idea" Returned Rose smiling as Stinkapoo looked at her, intrigued. Rose then began scouring through all the cupboards and drawers until she hit the jackpot. "Here we go, a lighter, we can take the stew outside and we'll light a fire to cook it on" Explained Rose. "Oh my god you're a genius, haha!" Exclaimed Stinkapoo. He then crutched over to her, and embraced her. Rose then kissed him on the cheek. "I'm so glad I have you, I dont know what I'd do" Expressed Stinkapoo still holding onto her. "Aww stop I'm blushing, but same here. I love you." Smiled Rose. The two then let go after their moment, "Now come on, let's go cook us a stew!" Grinned Stinkapoo as they both headed off outside to start a fire.

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