Episode 1 - Hope Flickers

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Two weeks have passed since Dan and his friends escaped from their school which had been overrun by zombies, forcing them out into the cruel new world, where any day could be their last. The losses of Craper and Kate still hung heavy in their hearts and the fact they hadn't seen any signs of their other lost friends only worried them even more. The group had been moving to one abandoned building to another to temporarily hold up in before it would eventually get overrun by monsters. Usually it would take a couple days before they were forced to move but it had been 5 days now and Dan's group were still currently held up in the same corner shop. Of course there would be the occasional small group of zombies to appear every so often but nothing too major just yet whilst being here. But they all still keep on guard at all times because of how unprecidctable these zombies can be. The group had managed to salvage some materials to board the windows and create makeshift barriers, they didn't hold very well but they managed to do the job. But still, none of them felt safe being there. "Nowhere is safe" Uttered Dan, "We gotta be on our guard at all times" he emphasised to Lily. She nodded in agreement. Dan still hadn't confessed his true feelings to her, hes been too distracted and exhausted lately. Being the leader is tough. Stinkapoo and Rose were managing, they had each other and they cherished that, being together all the time only bought them closer together, they have an unbreakable bond. Same with Ethel and Colin. As for Ethel, she was in charge of keeping track of keeping supplies. They had been getting more and more scarce to find lately. Fluff had been taking care of Audgrey ever since she lost her best friend, they too had both grown closer since it all. As a fact, everyone in the group always checked up on each other, they were all close-nit, always looking out for each other. It may be extremely boring a lot of the time, all cooped up in an abandoned shop, but they made the most of it by enjoying each others company. Dan then asked Ethel about their supplies, "So Ethel, how are our supplies looking?"
Ethel went and examined the shelves and containers. "Well uhh, we got a decent stash of non-perishables but having more wouldn't hurt, we're okay for medical supplies thank god we havent needed to use them yet, but the water seems to be running low so make a note of that, and also our weapons are pretty much worn out too" Answered Ethel. Dan took all of it into consideration. "Yeah we're definitely due another supply run soon" he spoke.
"We could go soon perhaps? I'm feeling ready!" Pumped Charlie. Dan agreed, "Yeah the sooner we go, the better"
"Where are we gonna go though? We've searched a lot of the places around here, I dont feel like going out too far" Said Rose nervously, "Hey its alright you don't have to go if you don't want" Responded Stinkapoo reassuring her, he held her hand. "Yeah I think we'll sit out this one and just keep guard" Said Rose, "Okay that's fine, no worries at all, you can get your strength back guys" Replied Dan. "So who else is coming with me and Dan?" Asked Charlie to the group, "I'll come" Responded Lily, "Yeah me too" Returned Colin. "Alright, 4 of us is all we need" Spoke Dan "Good luck out there guys" Said Audgrey, "Yeah, try not to go too far out, we'll make sure to take care of this place whilst you guys are out" Explained Fluff. At that the 4 exited the shop in order to find a building which hadn't been looted yet, In order for them to get some extra supplies and hopefully some new weapons. "Few zombies up ahead" Alerted Colin, "Yeah good spot, we got this" Replied Dan and they took them out with ease, "Fluff is right though, we shouldn't risk it and go too far out" said Lily. The four continued trekking along the streets, taking out zombies here and there. They all scanned around looking for potential buildings they could loot. Charlie then spotted a seemingly untouched building, the windows remainded intact, which could be a sign it may hold some supplies. "Yeah we'll search this place, doesn't seem like it could of been looted" Said Dan, "Yeah let's just make sure we're quick and quiet, who knows there could be zombies in there" Returned Lily, they all nodded in agreement and they entered with Dan taking the lead, slowly opening the door. "Right, we should split up, me and Colin search this floor and you and Charlie search upstairs" Suggested Dan, "Alright yeah meet you back here, good luck" Smiled Lily as she and Charlie headed upstairs. Dan and Colin began searching around, opening cabinets and searching shelves. "Ooo, there's a few cans of pineapple in here" Spoke Colin, "Nice mate, put it in your backpack" Replied Dan, "So uhh are you and Lily... you know?" Asked Colin. Dan went red, "No no! Shh, not yet" he replied agitated. Colin laughed "Hurry up all ready, man it's gonna be too late before you know it" replied Colin. Dan thought "Yeah you're right, I need to tell her" He sighed. But just then Dan managed to find a whole keg of water, "Yoo jackpot!" Cheered Colin. Dan put it in his backpack, it was rather heavy but he could manage. Meanwhile Charlie and Lily were searching the upstairs, they managed to find a few extra bits and pieces but nothing too exciting, "Yeah we should be heading back soon, I think we've searched everything up here" Spoke Lily. But Charlie's eyes lit up, "Oh my god check this out" he said excitedly. Lily went to see what Charlie had found and he found a safe "A safe? I don't think money Is much use anymore" chuckled Lily, "Well no but they might be keeping something else in here, you know? It's worth a look" returned Charlie, "Yeahh I guess you're right" said Lily. She called Dan and Colin up to help try figure out to open it. As they joined Lily and Charlie, their eyes lit up in curiosity. "Alright let's see if we can crack this, any ideas?" Asked Dan to the group. Colin pondered, "Well we could try guess the combination, but we'd be here forever" he said. "Yeah, have we not got like something to smash it with?" Suggested Lily, "Hmm could do but it would make too much noise" Responded Dan, "Out of the way you quick shit shitters, I'll sort this" Said Charlie stepping in with confidence, "I've dabbled in a bit of safe cracking here and there" he continued, "Oh yes of course! Typical sixteen year old behaviour" Laughed Dan sarcastically, "Yeah yeah whatever, let me work my magic, giz a hand here Colin" Exclaimed Charlie with Colin going to help. Lily rolled her eyes and smiled, "I think we should leave them to it" She said. "Yeah for sure, we could do one last sweep incase we missed anything" Replied Dan, "Exactly what I was thinking" Smiled Lily. The two went off, leaving Charlie and Colin to crack the safe. They began doing another search of the building, a bit more extra food was found but nothing else too much. But then Dan noticed something tucked away in a cabinet, an old dusty machete. "Jeez, how'd you miss this four eyes?" Chuckled Dan, "Ohh shut up, Charlie was in charge searching over there" Returned Lily rolling her eyes, "Mmm Yeah sure he was but ive always wanted to use a machete" Laughed Dan, "Could do with a clean though its filthy!" Replied Lily, "Yeah, can soon sort that out" Said Dan as he put it away in his bag. "I guess now we wait for Mr Safe Cracker" Spoke Lily
"Yeah... Lily now listen, seeing as we're alone now. There's something I've been wanting to tell you" Muttered Dan. Lily payed full attention, looking Dan in the eye, "What is it Dan? What's up?" Returned Lily softly.
"So uh...-" But before Dan could continue, a satisfying click could be heard and Charlie shouting for Dan and Lily. "Fuck, i'll tell you later, okay?" Said Dan as they both rushed into the safe room with Charlie more confident than ever, "Told you I'd work my magic, didn't I?" Cheered Charlie, "Well uhm I did most of the work" Uttered Colin, "Alright fine I guess you helped" Chuckled Charlie, causing everyone else to laugh too. "Oh my god open it the suspense is killing me!" Exclaimed Lily. Without further ado Charlie opened the safe to reveal an assortment of cash and jewellery which Lily took without hesitation to share out with the girls. Also there was some antibiotics which could prove to be very useful and last but not least... a handgun with a few small boxes of ammo. "Woah, a gun" Said Dan in awe and he picked it up, "We better save this for when we really need it" Said Colin responsibily "Yeah, exactly" returned Dan. He put the gun and ammo safely in his backpack. "Well that was a fun expedition, we did pretty well, im sure the gang'll be impressed" Spoke Charlie. "Yeah well done today guys!" Exclaimed Lily and they all fist bumped each other. With the loot secured, the 4 descended the stairs of the abandoned building and they went back out in the open and began their return to the shop.

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