Episode 2 - Familiar Faces

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The group stared at the figure in disbelief as he approached closer, clutching his bow. It was none other than Mike. He shortly reached the gate. "Jeez, didn't expect to see you guys here. Thought you were all dead, " He said unconvincingly. "Yeah, likewise," Uttered Dan. The two didn't get on that well. "I guess you all need someplace to stay?" Assumed Mike. "Well yeah, one of us is injured the place we stayed at got overrun, so yeah we're pretty much fucked" Responded Charlie. Mike thought for a moment and began opening the gate. The group were so relieved, they now potentially have somewhere to stay. Everyone began rushing in. "Hey, woah woah wait a sec, I'll have to take you to Archie, see what he says about you all staying" Explained Mike. Dan and his friends froze in their tracks. "Archie...?" Muttered Charlie. "Oh fuck no..." Groaned Stinkapoo. "Yeah, you thought I was here by myself? Jenny and Daurine are here aswell" Added Mike. "Oh jesus christ we can't stay here" Groaned Dan as he began to turn around but Lily stopped him. "Dan listen, we have nowhere else to go, Stinkapoo can't walk, Glynne seems pretty safe and secure. I know, we all hate Archie but if we play our cards right we could probably stay here for a while and who knows maybe we could try putting our differences aside for now i dunno" Spoke Lily. Everyone listened to her, Charlie still not seeming too keen but there wasnt much of a choice. "Well yeah... I guess, oh god let's just go see him" Murmured Dan. Mike began leading Dan and his group to Archie as they admired the Glynne grounds after not setting foot here for years. "So you managed to secure the whole school?" Asked Colin skeptical. "Nah, not yet, anywhere past the library is a no go. The key stage 2 corridors and classrooms are safe though. But I'm sure we'll be able to secure the rest. Who knows? Maybe you guys could earn your keep by helping us?" Suggested Mike. "Mhm I guess, but working aside Archie...? God" muttered Charlie. "Oh and did I mention Daurine is my girlfriend now?" Snickered Mike childishly. He lead through the playground until they reached the entrance to the library. "Right they should be in here" Said Mike. He opened the door and Dan and everyone followed him in and sure enough sat Archie, Jenny and Daurine at a table. The 3 noticed straight away and a look of disgust spread across their faces. They all shot up instantly. Dan and his friends were face to face with Archie, Jenny and Daurine once again. "What the fuck is this? Why are they here?" Scoffed Jenny. "God they were outside and needed help what do want me to do? Leave them?" Returned Mike. Dan sat Stinkapoo down on a chair so he could rest and then took a deep breath, "Hello Archie" he spoke coldly
"Hello Dan, hello Charlie, hello everyone, shocking circumstances have bought us together it seems" Proclaimed Archie. The strained greetings hung in the air as the two groups faced each other. "Cmon, we really can't afford to have more mouths to feed" Argued Jenny. "We have food. Quite a lot of it, we'd be perhaps willing to share if you'd let us stay" Smirked Fluff attempting to bribe them. Charlie then spoke up, "Look Archie I know we had bad blood and you hate us but that was 6 years ago. We don't want no trouble"
"Trouble seems to follow them everywhere" Uttered Daurine. Mike then stepped in, "Hey baby calm down, why don't we uhh... you know...it's around that time now" Whispered Mike with a smirk. Daurine smirked back cheekily as they both giggled and scurried off to who knows where. "Oh god... are they seriously gonna? Right now?" Said Rubin in disgust. "Nothing new at all" Uttered Archie jealously "Jeez" Murmured Dan. "Whatever, let's ignore those two strange ens. Back on topic, we can help you guys, we can do whatever you ask us, we can help you clear out parts of the school that need clearing" Explained Lily. The tentative offer hung in the air. Are Dan and his friends seriously going to forge an alliance with Archie? "It pains me to say it. But she's right. We do need all the help we can get" Said Jenny rolling her eyes. Lily smiled confidently. The atmosphere still remained tense however, but the acknowledgement that additional help would be necessary for Archie's group made them feel that there's more of a chance they'd be able to stay and potentially squash the beef they had with them in the past. "Right well whatever, if you're all are gonna stay here then you'll have to follow rules. If you follow them then there will be no problems" Explained Archie. Dan and his group exchanged wary glances at each other, understanding that if their stay at Glynne would come with conditions set by Archie. "Right, so listen up all of yous so there's no misunderstandings" Commanded Archie. The group was all ears as the listened to Archie. "So firstly, you all have gotta be contributing. Everyone's gotta pull their weight. No freeloaders" Stated Archie. "Uhh, I have a twisted ankle? I can't walk?" Spoke Stinkapoo. "No exceptions." Snarled Jenny. "What the fuck, he can barely walk you idiots!" Blurted Rose stepping in. "Ooo stressy! Very protective over your boyfriend, aren't you?" Chuckled Archie. "Hey Rose, just let it go, I'll be fine" Uttered Stinkapoo. Rose remainded silent, livid at how Archie treats others. "Now second, no fighting, I won't stand for any conflicts here. Looking at you, Charlie I hope you don't try fight me, we know how it ended last time" Snarled Archie. Those words infuriated Charlie, he was about to snap but Fluff stopped him, they couldn't afford to be kicked out when they only just got there. "And thirdly, you follow mine and Jenny's lead. And Mike and Daurine's if they aren't busy fucking. We make the decisions, got that?" Commanded Archie. Dan's group remainded silent. They didn't like Archie's leadership one bit but they had no choice but to abide by it, they needed somewhere to stay afterall. "Alright yeah whatever you say, we get it" Groaned Dan. But just then, in walked Mike and Daurine after spending some... time alone together. "Soo what'd we miss?" Asked Mike smirking. "Ohh nothing exciting, stud. Just telling the rules to this lot" Returned Archie. "Go and make yourself useful Mike, show them where they can sleep" Ordered Jenny, "Gotcha, in a bit babes" Said Mike cooly as he kissed Daurine on the cheek. Mike then lead Dan's group out of the library. He led them up to spare empty classroom where they could all lay their sleeping bags in. "Here, we arent using this room so you guys can sleep here" Spoke Mike, "Well uh, thanks Mike" Responded Dan, trying to get on the authority's good side. "No problem, I'll let you guys settle in, see ya in a bit" Exited Mike. "Damn, I cant believe we're back in Glynne, under these circumstances too. Jeez we're apart of Archie's group" hesitated Lily. "He's a piece of shit, I cant believe we gotta stay here" Uttered Charlie. "I know, I know but we haven't got much of a choice" Replied Dan. Stinkapoo layed down so he could rest his ankle and Rose sat by him, "Well at least I can rest here" Said Stinkapoo. "I can't believe that cunt is gonna make you work, in the state your in" Hissed Rose, "Hey it'll be okay" Responded Stinkapoo and he caressed her face. "At least we're safe in here, it's better being out there with those things" Spoke Colin, "Yeah but Archie... I never thought we'd be relying on him" Added Ethel still perplexed by the situation. The group exchanged uneasy glances at each other, acknowledging each others discomfort of Archie and his cronies commanding them. "But we really don't have much of a choice. We need to be somewhere safe and Glynne seems pretty safe enough" Emphasised Rubin. "Yeah but working with Archie and them lot? It's like choosing between a rock and hard place" Faltered Fluff. "We're gonna have to be cautious, follow their rules and play along. It's all we can do until we figure out our next move" Spoke Audgrey. Fluff smiled and agreed. "We're all survivors, we'll adapt. But we can't forget what we're dealing with here. Archie, Jenny, Daurine and Mike." Affirmed Dan. "God I just want my fucking ankle to get better!" Groaned Stinkapoo in frustration.

Meanwhile Mike returned to the library to speak with Archie, Jenny and Daurine. "It's not ideal having them with us, but we need all the help we can get" Spoke Mike. "God they better not cause any trouble" Uttered Archie. "I don't trust them, fuck we shouldn't of let them in" Worried Daurine, "It'll be okay, they gotta follow by our rules" Returned Mike. "We need to keep a close eye on them, it feels weird how we're now allied with them" Added Jenny. "Yeah, we'll see how things unfold, we'll definitely need them if we wanna secure this place fully" Said Mike. "At least now we don't have to do anything, these idiots will just do what we tell them and we can sit back here a chill haha" Laughed Archie. The other 3 laughed also, "Besides, I know what we can do to pass the time whilst our good friends are working their asses off" Chuckled Daurine and she pulled something out her pocket. The other's eyes lit up. "Oh my god! No way you got weed, when the fuck did you get this sis?" Exclaimed Jenny. "Remember when we went and scavenged from Dennis's house? Well I found it tucked away there. I was saving it for a special occasion. Nows a perfect time, no?" Smirked Daurine. "Oh yes please, I've missed getting high" Whinged Jenny. "You got the roll ups though?" Asked Archie, "Of course, there were some spare in Dennis's also" Respond Daurine with a smirk. "We can use my lighter too" Added Mike.

A few hours passed, and Dan's group had been settling into their new home. "This really doesn't feel right Dan" Confided Lily. "I know, I know let's just keep playing along for now" He responded. Jenny then entered the room, everyone looked at her. "He wants to speak with you all" She announced. The group's minds raced thinking about what Archie could possibly want to say. They all cautiously headed to the library where Archie was waiting alongside Daurine and Mike. Archie then grinned as everyone entered and began speaking. "Right, so you guys have had a few hours to yourselfs but now its time you started to earn your keep". Dan and his friends felt uneasy. "But before you start, Stinkapoo, we understand your injured but still we can't have you sitting around doing nothing! So there were some spare crutches in the medical room which you can have" Spoke Mike as he handed Stinkapoo the crutches. He remainded unresponsive. "Were you never taught manners? You say thank you when someone gives you something" Hissed Archie. Stinkapoo glared coldly and turned to Mike, "Thanks." He uttered. Mike grinned and nodded. "Better." Praised Archie. "Right so what exactly do you want us to do for you?" Asked Charlie. "Well we've got quite a few tasks which we'll send a few of you to go take care of" Continued Archie. "So Dan and Charlie, you guys can go around the fence perimeter and take out any stragglers who are against the fence. You can use these spare javelins which've been sharpened" Spoke Jenny as she handed the two their weapons. "Then Lily, Ethel and Colin, you can go and reinforce the entrance gate, place some defenses and barricade" Ordered Archie. "Wait. Defenses? So like a traps?" Questioned Colin. "Anything you can think of" returned Mike, "Great really helpful thanks" Replied Colin sarcastically. "Oookay and Fluff, Rubin and Audgrey, you guys can try and get into the basement it's locked and we haven't been able to get in there since we got here. There's gotta be some good shit in there" Ordered Daurine. "Alright If you say so" Responded Fluff unenthusiastically. "And lastly Stinkapoo and Rose. I'll go easy on you Stinkapoo, you guys can prepare the food for tonight" Explained Archie. "Hey... wait a sec what about you four? What are you guys doing?" Questioned Stinkapoo sheepishly. "Ohhh we've got some very important business to attend to. Authority business. Its top secret" Laughed Jenny. Dan and his friends all rolled their eyes and swiftly exited the library, in their groups. They couldn't bare spend another minute in there with those four. Without further ado, they went off to complete their tasks assigned. Still adjusting to the fact they were doing work for Archie and didn't have a choice but to get on with it. "Taking out zombies against the fence, huh? This'll be fun" Bantered Charlie. "You betcha, pal!" Returned Dan grinning as they both clutched their javelins and mockingly attacked each other with it, as the two friends laughter filled the air. At least they could get some fun out of it.

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