Chapter 5

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Evelyn knew that she never opened up her store on Sunday, but she had needed a distraction from her mind's racing thoughts. She had made the conscious decision that she could live with the hook-up, could even get over the tattoo in time but she wasn't sure if her heart or mind was going to let her forget the way she felt. During the morning she had remembered a little more about having sex with her mysterious man.

Her skin was covered in goosebumps when she remembered how he held her in his arms as they fell asleep. The way she molded against him. Almost as if she was made for him.

Picking up a novel from her to-be-read section, she went to her favorite chair, wanting to forget her problems and read about someone else's. That's how her opening up on Sunday afternoon started. A young couple had seen her sitting in the chair through her glass windows and wanted to come in.

"I didn't realize you were closed, you didn't have to let us in." The woman spoke, looking around in amazement. The book lover of the two. "It's no trouble at all!"

The man, on the other hand, wasn't looking at the books but roaming his eyes around the tops of the walls. It was odd to Evelyn. She had her training in all things safety, and he was triggering the button in her mind to watch him.

"Is there anything in particular you're looking for?" Evelyn placed her book on her desk, opting to pick up the shop phone in case she needed it. The woman scanned her eyes, not knowing where to start.

"I was thinking mystery or something like a thriller." Evelyn couldn't help but notice the way the man gave her a look, causing her to add that a romance would work too. Keeping the phone tightly in her hand, Evelyn showed the sections the woman was looking for. 

"Just you here?" The man spoke, sounding friendly with the question. Evelyn wasn't so sure about him anyway, so all she could think to do was lie. "No, my boyfriend and I live upstairs." 

Eric nodded his head, taking in everything that was being told to him. He was here to get as much dirt and information as he could for Donnie, and what she just confessed was icing on the cake for him to get the promotion. Rip never let any woman get too close, and surely he would know that this one, however naive she was, was no exception. "Is the tattoo for him?" He wasn't dumb, he saw the two of them coming out of the tattoo shop last night, but he wanted to see if she would lie. Lyle was the one causing a scene so he could keep watch on anything that could be missed.

"Oh, yeah." Evelyn self-consciously moved her hand so the new ink could be covered before continuing with her lie. Thinking of the bar last night, she entangled it to her lie so she could at least sound convincing. If she thought it was true, then others wouldn't question her for more.

"R for Ripley." It was as if he hit the lottery, giving his wife a stern look and a slight nod to tell her it was time to leave. 

Closing the door behind the couple, she couldn't help but switch the sign to 'closed' and the lock on the door after they had made it far enough down the street. She wasn't asked any more questions about her fake life, but she couldn't help the nagging feeling that she had just omitted something.

"You're just being paranoid, Evelyn." She shook her head, wanting to put this day behind her. Grabbing the books that were donated a few days ago, she decided it was time to put them away. Making tomorrow's day a little bit easier. 

Ripley tried his best to stay away from Evelyn for a couple of weeks. He put himself into working with his cattle, trying to figure out his numbers with his bar, and still worrying about Donnie knowing about Evelyn. He had Dave and Travis keeping their ears open but nothing was coming from Donnie's side. The constant watching of Evelyn was lifted to just keeping tabs on her in passing. 

Every night though, he'd make a point to drive by her apartment in hopes of seeing her. And almost always, he would see her shadow in the window as she would take the hallway to her bedroom. That was all he got, and it still wasn't enough to help stop the yearning in his heart.

From what Dave could tell, her life was as ordinary as it had always been. He had gathered together her whole background. From her parents to appointments, and even what her bank account contains. Ripley didn't care about either, he was trying to make sure she was fine before he told himself to leave her alone.

He had decided to let her go. He couldn't bring such a sweet soul into his world any more than he already had. Evelyn was safe away from him, away from the cruel business he had going on with others. 

Halfway across town, Evelyn sat with Kara at an older restaurant the pair had agreed to come to for their third friend. Mia was on a date with her guy number two from last week, and the other friends were watching from afar for moral support. The food was subpar, and she could see why the place was about to be shut down.

It looked like the floor hadn't been cleaned in weeks, and the tables still had a stickiness to them that she hoped was just leftover syrup.

Looking down at her arms on the table, she tried to not think about it as she moved her elbows off the brown wood table. Catching sight of her hand, she couldn't help but see the dark spot under her concealer-covered finger. She tried to hide it even more by placing a ring over it.

Kara hadn't said anything about it, so it had to have been covered pretty well.

"Have you seen your mystery man anymore?" Kara had tried to pry any information out of Evelyn about her 'R' man. Since she got tired of calling him 'mystery man' she's used R as a replacement. When Kara had called the Monday after her scandalous weekend, she had confessed to her about what had happened. Since then Kara has wanted all the juicy details.

To her disappointment, Evelyn had only remembered a little bit more about that night.

"No, and I'm sure I won't see him again, Kar." 

The sound of her voice was all her friend needed to call a waiter over to get the bill and get out of there to do something to lift her mood. Both women chose to split the bill, handing the young gentlemen their cards.

While waiting they gathered their purses. Checking the time on her phone, she noticed it was barely nine. She knew Kara would want to go to the attached bar for some drinks but after the constant cramps she had gotten throughout the day, she was ready to go home and await her period with comfy pajamas and the book she was so close to finishing.

When a different man brought the two their card and receipts, Evelyn got the feeling in the pit of her stomach that something wasn't right. Had she seen him before? She thought, but she couldn't place him anywhere in her memories.

"Want to head to the bar? Just until Mia's date is done?" Kara had pulled out the pouty lip, knowing it was a big ticket for Evelyn to stay. Shaking her head, Evelyn told her a just of wanting to go home to her heating pad.

"Why didn't you say something earlier? I'd have told you to stay in and drown Aunt Flow with some good medicine."

She hadn't said anything about her visitor because she was unsure for the longest while if she would show up. Since there was no recollection of whether protection was used, Evelyn worried about a possible pregnancy scare. When she felt the first cramp happen this morning she sighed in relief.

Not that she wouldn't have wanted to keep the baby, she just couldn't imagine not having someone with her through the whole experience. Someone who helped create said life.

"Go curl up and get some rest. Message me when you get home, okay?" Kara eyed her, knowing she wasn't one to use her phone often. "I will. Tell Mia I'm sorry." With a wave of Kara's hand, she bid her farewell and headed out to the parking lot. Gathering her keys out of her purse, Evelyn unlocked then climbed into her slightly new Ford Escape and made her way home. Parking in front of her apartment. She noticed a dark blue pickup truck parked on the other side of the road.

She gave it a once over, seeing that the windows were tinted so dark she couldn't see if anyone was sitting in the driver's seat, before getting out and heading to her shop door. Ready to get out of her dress and into her oversized shirt.

Too bad that was the only relief she'd get for the rest of the night.

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