Part 3

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first person Pov

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I walk into my office after the meeting and reach for the ibuprofen that's in my desk drawer. James hadn't stopped talking the whole time about how we needed get more security at his club. It was getting on my nerves because we already have half of our security at the damn club. I ended the meeting short because if I stayed in that room any longer i might have lost it.

I take the pill and as soon as I'm about to sit down my friends come into the room with two bags full of books. They look at each other then back at me. "What? Stop staring at me like that."

Lillie steps closer to my desk and drops a book right in front of me, I grab it and it's a book about how to sleep better. I laugh. "We though you might need, it might help with your insomnia." Lillie says. Jack sits down and starts to read a book. I watch Lillie sit on the couch to the left of me, then say. "I'm not going alone in that meeting again, you guys have to stop making excuses to get out of it."

She stares at me like I'm the crazy one. "I don't know what your talking about, we just had to get that book." I give her a blank stare. "His birthday is in a month,"

Jack doesn't look up from his book but laughs and says, "Well, I'm not going to sit in that room with him if all he's going to is complain about how we need to step up our game. It's his fault his club isn't doing to great."

I roll my eyes even though I know he's right. I type on my computer sending an email out to my employees to stop at James's club and make sure everything is ok.


We got home and I went to go take a shower, when I got back to the kitchen I see jack making dinner. I sit at the table and see Lillie in the living room typing on her laptop. I smile, and see Jacks book sitting there so I grab it to see what it's about. "What are you doing?  you wouldn't like that book, as you say 'their to boring'." Jack says to my while grabbing it from my hands

I give him a blank stare and we glare at each other until Lillie comes into the kitchen. "Would you two stop that, come eat I'm hungry." We grab some food and sit down talking about our day.

We ended up in the living room after eating and watching formula 1. Lillie gets tired first and heads up to her room. "Night guys! Don't stay up to late." I roll my eyes because she knows i can't sleep anyways.  


We stay up for another hour before Jack calls it a night, he pats my shoulder and heads to his room. I decide that I'll head up to my room as well.

 I climb under the covers and stare up that the ceiling, wondering if the insomnia would ever go away. 

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