First Kiss - Saberhorn x Glowstrike

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~Sorry it took so long(and sorry it might be a little short). I don't know much about them or RID in general, so I hope it turned out okay. Enjoy!~

No one's POV

Glowstrike's looking at a datapad lost in thought when the doors open and Saberhorn enters the room. "Glow?" He asks interrupting her train of thought. "What is it Saberhorn?" She questions setting down the datapad, turning to look at him. "Are you okay? You've been kind of distracted by something lately." He says coming closer to her. "I'm fine Saberhorn, just...thinking." She tells him taking a step back. He raises an optic ridge. "Okay? Mind telling me what you're thinking about?" He asks with a smile. She rolls her optics and shakes her helm. "It's none of your concern. Now if you don't mind I have to get back to what I was doing." She says turning around picking the datapad back up. "What were you doing?" He asks yet another question. "Saberhorn." She warns. "Alright, alright, I'll leave you alone." He says putting his servos up before walking out of the room. She sighs lightly face palming. 'What is wrong with me?' She thinks to herself. Straightening herself she clears her pipes and get back to what she was supposed to be doing.

Some months later...

Landing in the middle of some forest she begins to walk taking in the scenery. She sighs in contentment, happy with the place she chose to come and clear her processor. Lately she hasn't been able to think straight, almost every day she keeps thinking of Saberhorn and that stupid grin of his. Unable to concentrate properly, she decided that she needed a break which is something she never does. So here she is, taking a walk in the middle of no where.

The wind stars to pick up and she comes to a small clearing with the tall grass blowing in the wind like waves on and ocean. Walking out into the clearing she stops in the middle and looks up at the starry night sky.

Lost in thought once more she didn't even hear the sound of approaching peds. "Glowstrike?" Someone asks. She jumps a little before pointing her weapon at whoever startled her. "Saberhorn?" She raises an optic ridge. "What are you doing here?" She asks putting her weapon away. "I could ask you the same." He states coming closer. She looks away. "I came here to clear my helm." She says looking back up at the stars. "Now, why are you out here?" She asks him. "Looking for you." He says coming to stand next to her. "What?" She looks back at him dumbfounded. "You heard me." He says with a smile. She tells the heat starting to form on her faceplate and quickly looks away.

"I know why you came out here, I'm not stupid." He states in a matter of fact tone. "That's debatable." She mumbles. "I heard that." He halfheartedly glares. She chuckles.

They both look up at the sky and smile. He takes her hand and brings it up to his lips to lightly kissing it. She looks at him confused and a little shocked. He smiles at her softly and gently cups her face. "May I?" He asks glancing down at her lips then back up to her optics. She thinks for a minute then nods.

He kisses her softly wrapping his arms around her waist pulling he close. She kisses him back and wrap's her arms around his neck.

They pull back and Saberhorn rest his forehelm on her's and they both chuckle.

Pulling back they smile at each other before looking at the stars once more holding one another.

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