Bound by Soul - TFP Megatron x Human Reader (Part 1)

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~This is an soulmate AU. Each soulmate can feel each others pain and can reduce the amount of pain their mate receives if they want. You dear reader, can also manipulate/control water, kind of like a water bender minus all the fancy moves.~

Y/n's POV

Running. That's all I've been doing since I saw giant robots in one of the caves I like to visit a lot and the damn things have been chasing me. Unfortunately I don't have time to concentrate inorder draw water up to the surface or out of the air to protect myself and there isn't a river or anything near by. One of those things starts to shoot at me and one of the lasers hits right next to me sending me flying into a tree, dislocating my arm and giving me a few deep cuts. I get up as quickly as I can and bolt.

I see the very old ghost town up ahead 'At least I'll find a place to hide and maybe give them the slip.' I think to myself and start to run faster ignoring the pain as much as possible.

I make it into the town and quickly run in between two houses and I keep doing so until I don't hear them chasing me anymore. Slumping down next to a trash can I try to catch my breath and hold my arm as it starts to bleed a lot and the pain sets in. I hiss and tightly shut my eyes feeling painful jolts go through my arm. "Fuck. Are these mother fuckers going to leave?" I whisper to myself.

It then begins to rain and the sun is starting to go down. I groan and knock my head against the wooden house then regret it feeling pain on the back of my head. Closing my eyes I rub the spot, not noticing the red glow of eyes on me. Someone then hums and I freeze, looking to the side of me I see one of those robots accept this one is gray and much bigger and meaner looking. '....Shit.'

We just stare at each other until another painful jolt goes though my arm and I break eye contact, the robot hisses at the same time and it's arm tenses. I then take this opportunity and make a run for it before I'm completely out of energy. It steps back, startled from how fast I moved then waits a moment before chasing after me. Then to my surprise I get picked up quickly by robot with an orange and white paint job, I wince holding my arm. "My apologies ma'am, I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm not going to harm you." Said the male sounding robot. "Medic!" A deep voice yelled drawing both of our attention. Those same red eyes... "Give back my sparkmate!" Demands the gray bot. "What?" We both say at the same time.

No one's POV

There was silence for a bit then the bot holding you looks down and notices your bloody arm, looking back at the other bot he then runs to the left behind some tall buildings. "Arcee, Bulkhead I need you to distract Megatron while I open a ground bridge and get this human to safety and medical attention." You hear the other bot, that you figured out was another male, yell and start to chase after you both.

Unfortunately the others didn't get to you both in time and the medic gets shot in the back making him fall and you go flying. You hit the ground and tumble quite a bit away, and you're pretty sure you broke a rib as well. An agonizing scream erupts from you, looking down at your arm you see that it's very bruised and your wounds are a hell of a lot worse covered in mud and are starting to bleed more. You groan and hold your side as tears begin to fall. The sound of thunderous steps makes you look up and see Megatron coming towards you. Tightly shutting your eyes you concentrate, feeling the rain drops stop and start to pull together, you focus on it and the water starts to flow around you. Opening your eyes and using your good arm you quickly push forward and the water comes at Megatron like a powerful wave knocking him back. Then you feel like you just got hit by the hulk in the chest and topple over clutching your chest. Your vision starts to darken and all you see before you fall unconscious is Megatron get up and come towards you.

He stops in front of your curled up form and gently picks you up, wiping some mud off your face he calls Soundwave. "Soundwave, open a groundbridge at my location and tell Knockout to prepare the medbay." He tells him. A few seconds later a groundbridge opens and he walks through it with you in hand. Coming out the other side he sees Soundwave and Knockout wait for him. "My Lord." Knockout says with a bow then goes back to his previous stance. Looking Megatron up and down he raises an optic ridge. "Who is the medbay for?" He asks. "For your new Queen, Knockout. She's in dire need of medical attention." Megatron replies opening his hand and showing you to them. Knockout and Soundwave look at each other then back a you. "A human?" He asks looking at Megatron. "Knockout!" Megatron yells then he notices how much blood your losing and gently takes you out of Megatron's hand then quickly rushes you to the medbay.

"Sparkmate?" Soundwave questions using an audio of someone else. "Yes Soundwave she is." He responds. Soundwave nods then walks away. Megatron stays there for a bit before going to the main bridge.

To Be Continued...

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