Please....Don't go - TFP Megatron x Human Reader (Part 1)

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~I suggest listening to Boomerang by Smash into Pieces while reading~ ^-^

Y/n's POV

Driving my mustang through the empty back roads of Nevada to one of the races that was going down quite a bit away from Jasper, I finally arrive and pull up to the racing line next to a cherry red Aston Martin with fancy design work on the sides. "Sweet ride." I mumble, then turn my attention to the flag girl stepping out in front of us, raising the flag then swinging it down signaling for us to go. We all floor it but I lag behind a bit to observe the other racer's driving.

Once I have everyone's driving down I smirk. "Metal to the peddle." I say before flooring it. Quickly I move passed everyone accept for the Aston Martin which was quite a bit ahead.

I come up beside him and take a glance before grinning and moving passed which he didn't like. He trys to pass me but I block him every time, so he trys to bump me off the road but fails. I get tired of his useless attempts and turn on my NOSS leaving him to eat my dust. I laugh as I see him swerve to get out of the way of the dust and come to a screeching halt.

I pass the finish line and start to slow down then turn around to collect my reward. Racing helps with the little things I need and other such thing for others while my other job pays for the bills and primary necessities. The Aston Martin pulls up beside me revving his engine before driving off seeming pissed that he lost. I laugh then head home blaring some music.

The next day

Walking into the bar that I work at I see some new faces. 'They must be tourists passing through to get to the bigger cities...' I thought to myself putting on my apron.

I go behind the counter and clock-in. Clare comes up to me and slams a tray that has one beer, one glass of red wine, one glass of champagne, one water and one bottle of whisky with a glass next to it. "You can serve them! I'm done with their shit!" She yells walking away from me and into the back for a break. "Okay then..." I take a deep breath and get ready for whatever Clare had to deal with. Picking up the tray I head over to the table that had the new comers. "Hello." I say in a kind voice and setting the tray down on the table. "Where's the other girl that was serving us?" Asked a skinny man with gray hair and a red strip going up the middle in a rude tone. "She had to go on break. I'll be your waitress for the rest of the evening." I answer, waiting for them to take their drinks sense I don't know what who ordered so I can take back the tray. The bigger man of the lot looks up at me. "Aren't you going to give us our drinks." He demands. "Well, they're right in front of you so I think you can grab them yourselves and being as I wasn't told who ordered what so I don't think I will." I say calmly slightly glaring at the man. I've dealt with bikers and other such brutes so he won't be ant different. He stares at me for a minute before grabbing the bottle of whisky and leaving the glass. "The glass won't be need, thank you." I smile at him and nod and wait for the others to take theirs. The others in his little group look at him shocked that he thanked me before taking their drinks as well. "Thank you. Now if you need anything else let me know." I say sweetly with a smile. "What's your name?" He asks. "Y/n, sir." I reply. Yes I have manners, I'm just a bitch to deal with sometimes . He nods and I turn to leave, before I get five feet away I hear him say to the others, "I like her." I quietly groan. 'God I hate being nice sometimes.' I think making my way back to the counter.'And why does his voice sound so familiar?' I ask myself but shake the thought from my mind.

"Ha! You say that now, she's a real bitch to deal with, especially if you try to flirt with her." Some little punk says laughing at the man i was just speaking to. "Don't be so rude Henry. She's just closed off her heart, and for a good reason. But yes, Good luck with winning her over. many have tried and failed." Says an older gentleman. 'I love the locals sometimes.' I smile, drying off some glasses.

A little bit later I get a call from my friend Jack. "Hey, what's up?" I answer. "Hey, I need a ride to base because Arcee is busy on a mission with the others and Ratchet won't come get me." I sigh. "Alright, where are you now?" I ask. "Outside of the place I work at." He replies. "Well I'm at work right now, but I'll have a 30 minute break in a bit. So I could run you over there real quick if you wanna hang here for a bit?" I suggest. "Uh sure. You work at the bar right?" He asks. "Yes. You're aloud in as long as you don't drink anything. Accept water. Unless you just wanna hang in the mustang for the time." I reply. "Okay I'll be right over, and I might help you with snacks or whatever a little bit?" He suggests. "That would be appreciated." I say with a sigh. "Alright." With that we end the call and I deal with another customer.

A little bit later Jack comes in and looks around trying to fine me. I notice him first and wave him over. "Hey buddy!" I say with a smile. He waves and walks over. "Hey, so Raf and Miko came along and they'll be in the 'stang if that's alright." He states. I nod. "No prob. A'ight, so you could find somewhere to sit and wait until I have something for you to do. It's slow today so mmh." I shrug.

No one's POV

Unbeknownst to both of you the 'new comers' are staring at the both of you. They know Jack is with the Autobots which means that you also must be one of their human pets. So to them you must be an easier target. Oh how wrong they are.

Ten minutes later it's finally your break. "Okay Jack it's time, let's be quick." You say taking off your apron and hanging it up. He nods and you both head out to your mustang. Hopping in you're met with an ugh from Miko. "Finally! You two took forever!" She complains. "You best be happy I'm even taking you lot at all Miko." You sternly say, not in the mood for any yelling. "She's right Miko." Jack says as you start the car and drive out of the parking lot and down the road. She huffs and slumps back arms crossed.

As soon as you get outside of town and down the road that leads to the Autobot base you floor it. Miko raises her arms up and whoo's in delight while Jack holds on to the door for dear life and Raf does the same with his laptop which makes you chuckle a bit. They know you're a great driver especially when you're at top speed, but it sometimes freaks them out, accept for Miko.

Y/n's POV

I quickly drop them off at base, briefly saying hi to Ratchet before heading back to work. Arriving back at work and seeing a lot more people then there was when I left I sigh and lean my head back just staring at the ceiling. "I'm so not in the mood for this shit." I say to myself. I sigh once more before getting out of the car and heading in. Walking in I get blasted with loud music and people and the smell of alcohol. 'What should I've expected?' I thought going through the crowd of people and back behind the counter. Clare looks over at me, "Hey Y/n." She waves after setting down a bottle of Jin and handing a glass to a customer. "Hi Clare. Feeling better?" I ask and she nods in response. "Oh, Your big beefcake is still here." She says going back to what she was doing. "My what?" I ask confused and she nods over to a table. Looking over I see the table that had the men I was serving earlier and see that they all left accept for the big guy. "Oh." Is all I say. He notices me and gets up coming over to me. "Hey." I greet. "Hello." He greets back. "Is there anything that I can do for ya?" I ask picking up a glass to dry. He nods, "Another bottle of that whisky." I raise and eyebrow at him. "Another whole bottle?" I ask to confirm, a little surprised. "Did I stutter?" He asks slightly glaring. "No. But one shouldn't drink more then that. In truth probably less." I answer. "I'll be just fine." He states. I laugh, "Okay, but if you throw up or pass out or anything like that it's not my fault and I'm not picking you up/ carrying you anywhere. Got it? " He chuckles. "Don't worry you won't have to do any of that, I can handle it." And with that you hand over the bottle and he takes it taking a seat at the counter.

The rest of that night is filled with him bothering you and telling you stories and laughter from the both of you. and little by little you start to relax around him.

~Yes I know this chapter sucked but the next one will be better and far more interesting.~

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