"You know what? I've been trying to sort it out all this time but I'm not going to sit around waiting anymore so fuck you," he hissed before hanging up.

The nerve in that guy! He cheated on me and he was the one getting angry?

I swept a hand across my face before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast but as soon as I entered the kitchen I saw Mum there.

Before she could see me I quickly retreated, grabbed my black leather jacket and walked out of the front door.

I made my way to my usual café and ordered coffee with a cinnamon swirl before sitting down in my normal place, all alone. I was peacefully eating, wondering what I was going to do with my life until I felt someone's shadow cast over me before they sat down opposite me.

"Hey Arissa, I think we should talk," Heidi said.

"Heidi!" I exclaimed. "You're not still mad are you?" I asked cautiously.

"No, of course not."

"Thank God for that! And you're right, we really need to talk."

"Yeah w-" she began.

"No please, let me finish," I said, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry that I accused your Mum of doing such a terrible thing. I really don't know what I was thinking but you have to know I was just concerned.. because you're like a sister to me and I'd never want to see you hurt."

I noticed Heidi awkwardly smile and fidget in her seat as I said that. "You can always talk to me," I told her as I held her hand. She sniffled and looked down before forcing a smile on her face.

"I know, thank you," she answered. She quickly let go of my hand and shot out of her seat, trying to get away but I got up too, stopping her from leaving.

Even though we had just talked, things didn't feel right and it was because she wasn't being honest. She said she wanted to talk so there was obviously something on her mind.

"Isn't there something you wanted to tell me?" I asked her and she looked bewildered.

"Oh yeah, I was kinda hoping that you would give me some space... and not interfere in my personal life?" she said, leaving me in shock. There was never anything we didn't tell each other and all of a sudden she wanted 'space'. This just confirmed my doubts and I wasn't going to let her go without finding everything out this time, no matter what it took.

I pretended like I wasn't hurt by what she had just said. "Anything else you wanted to say?"

"No, there isn't actually," she cheerily said.

That did it.

"Stop lying!" I gripped her arm and pulled her along to the restrooms. "I know who's causing all these!" I cried, pointing at one of the bruises that was showing slightly at the side of her blouse. "It's Seth! I never liked him and now I'm glad I didn't," I said harshly. "You can't stay with him!" I knew that this probably wasn't the right way of coming about it but I didn't know what else to do.

"Stop! Okay, you know but so what? I love him and you can't stop me from feeling that! He loves me too but he just gets a little over-protective and angry sometimes. It's nothing," she defended.

"Nothing? Are you kidding me? If Tyler knew, Seth wouldn't be alive today and-"

"You can't say anything to Tyler!" she begged, falling to her knees with tears streaming down her face. "Please don't, I can't lose Seth. I don't know what I would do because I love him so much Ari.. please," she said weakly.

I looked at her in disbelief. Love? Ironically I hated that word since it caused me so much pain and now Heidi. How can you possibly love someone who hurts you so much?

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