Chapter 1

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Ozpin stared down at the student transcript in front of him, his face scrunched up in disappointment. Jaune Arc had appeared to be one of the most promising Huntsmen-in-training the Ozpin had ever seen. He was reportedly at the top of his class back at Signal Academy, and Mr. Xiao Long's personal notes about him had nothing but praise for the boy. He was, in short, a prodigy, much like Pyrrha Nikos, who Ozpin was pleased to count among his list of new initiates for Beacon this year. So to have another new student that could give the Invincible Girl an equal? It sounded too good to be true.

And that was because it was, in fact, too good to be true. When he had called Taiyang, hoping to hear more about this promising young man his colleague could not stop compliment, the Headmaster had been greeted with confusion. There was no boy by the name of Jaune that had been enrolled in Signal, or even living on Patch, as far as he was aware. Another call to the Arc residence on the island of Vytal had only confirmed his suspicions: In Juniper's own words, none of her children had been allowed to enroll in any of the Huntsmen academies, and it would remain that way, as far as her husband was concerned.

If Ozpin was really honest with himself, he could not help but be a little frustrated with Jonathan. Mr. Arc was one of the strongest Huntsmen in Vale, right up there with Qrow, and all of his children had the potential to be the same, if he would just let them. But the man had been betrayed by the Kingdom he swore to serve, and was still bitter about the matter. The Headmaster could not completely fault him, though. Jonathan had protected Vale for years, and they repaid him by leaving him to die. If he did not want any of his loved ones to suffer the same fate, then that was his choice. So if his son did not have the qualifications needed to join Beacon, then Ozpin would have to reject him, which he had already done, as he looked down at the big "denied" in red ink he had stamped upon the transcript.

However, this presented a new problem for the Headmaster. Now that it was abundantly clear Jaune would not be enrolled at Beacon, there was an open spot that needed to be filled. Ozpin had accepted enough transcripts to guarantee that if everyone who had enrolled completed the initiation, he would be looking at ten new teams of young Huntsmen and Huntresses to train into the next generation of of Vale's defense against the forces of evil. But now that he was a student shy, one unfortunate group of students was going to be a member short, unless he was able to find a replacement.

There was one tiny little detail that made all of this so much more complicated: Initiation was in two days' time. His new students were going to be arriving at the academy tomorrow. The Headmaster sighed, and leaned on his desk, massaging his temples. Where was he supposed to find a replacement student on such short notice?

"Headmaster?" Ozpin was broken out of his musings by the voice of his colleague, Ms. Goodwitch, who had just stepped into his office. "Are you still brooding over that fraudulent application?" she asked, as her eyes fell upon the rejected transcript her superior had been staring down at.

"I am not 'brooding,' I am stressing," the Headmaster corrected her. "Mr. Arc's transcripts seemed completely legitimate." Ms. Goodwitch opened her mouth to speak, but he held up a finger to cut her off. "I am well aware Jonathan made a solemn vow to prevent any of his children from following in his footsteps, but there was always a chance he would change his mind." Ozpin picked up the piece of paper and held it up. "I do not know what upsets me more: the fact his son tried to lie his way into Beacon, or that the boy was so desperate to attend our academy he felt his only option was to resort to such extreme measures in order to do so..."

"I understand, Headmaster, but you know how that man is," the blonde woman reminded him. "He is more stubborn than General Ironwood, and does not even have a Semblance to help him with that matter. Perhaps if you had thought to verify the authenticity behind his son's transcripts before you denied the other potential applicants, you would not be in the mess you are right now."

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