Chapter 20. Another World

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Takes place after chapter 19.


Moon's perspective:

"I'm you."

Moon's tense position almost falls apart completely, his eyes widen as much as possible.

"What are you talking about."

"I. Am. You."

"No you're not-"

The person on the screen facepalms, and removes the hood from his head.

The person has a glitching eye, many missing parts of his outer suit, half of his face is a somewhat dirty white, and the other half being an incredibly dark blue.

Sharpened teeth and oil spilling from different areas in his body.

... It's a Moon- a me- how-

Though- why is this random Moon going after us-?

"W-What happened- to you-?"


The person's eyes quickly light up pure red in anger, his hand being able to be seen pushing on the screen, almost like he was about to attack Moon.

Moon falls over in shock, and scared ness.

"I- don't remember that-"

Moon looks over to Sun who's equally scared.

Moon looks over to Monty who's just staring in shock.

The person clears his throat, and steps back, though his eyes staying in the angered state.

"You destroyed my life."

Did I-?

I don't remember it...

Was it the old Moon-?

If this another thing that I need to clean up-?

"... I don't remember-"

"Yes yes I knowYou died, and came back with no memories, and no care to try and fix your alternative dementsion destruction. I wasn't planning on doing this at first. Though, you remade your portal, and I will not have another Moon go through what I had to endure, when your 'experiments' started."


What could've driven this Moon to... Well do all of this-?"

"... What happened-?"

"Moon I don't think this- other Moon is gonna tell us-"


Sun flitches at the sound of his name in fear of this destoryed Moon saying his name.

"My Sun... Is dead, and its because of you. You decided to test out a bunch of different things in my dementsion. Destroying it in the process. So, with help of someone you guys already are aware of, I'm gonna get my revenge after all this time."

The screen turns off, the person's glitched eye seeming to attack himself.

Moon turns around to face the others.

Sun is still in fear, Lunar's shaking behind Monty still, Earth just stares, Monty just looks down, and Foxy twitches once again.

"... I know the old Moon was bad... but would he really do that-?"

Everyone stays quiet for a bit, not knowing how to respond.

Monty sighs and looks up at Moon.

"The old Moon would, and did. I should know, we's talk about the results everynow and then. Though I'd never think it'd come to this."

Monty looks back down, seemingly disappointed in themself for being apart of this situation happening, disappointed in her past self and who he used to be.


Moon sits back down, under the TV.

"Our world is gonna get destroyed..."

"... Unless love can really conquer over anything? Maybe if Solar find out... Things will be ok..."

Lunar was at first the one who went to Solar for help, in return Solar was given a family, a home.

Now Lunar once again requires help, but not just Lunar this time around.

Though Solar may lose his love in the process.


Another short chapter, next time around we shall see the next day, with Ruin and Solar!

Remember when this story was just cute?

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