She giggled, shrugging her shoulder as her eyes stared into the camera lenses. She raised her fingers up showing heart signs. She winked at the camera as her smile became bigger. A small gasp escape her lips feeling a warm hand tugging her jean jacket over her shoulder. She glanced to the side her eyes falling on her girlfriend who placed her chin on her shoulder. Bada wrapped her arms around her body turning to face the shorter girl. Leah naturally scrunch her nose but this time the taller girl followed along picking up her habit.

A Week Ago

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A Week Ago..

The brunette girl stared out the car window watching the cars and building go by. She placed her chin on her right palm. Not a single thought in her mind as she listened to music playing on the radio. She tilted her head to the side seeing a cute teenage girl with short hair. It crosses Leah's mind every once in a while to cut her hair. She's dyed it multiple times over the past years and felt as if she needed another change. A good healthy change. Licking her lips she turned to face her girlfriend who had been talking to the camera all along. They were both recording a vlogging video for Leah's YouTube channel. She hasn't posted in the past few months due to all the crazy busy schedule. She normally loved to post vlogs on her days off or whenever she could actually find behind the scenes for certain events. "Should I cut my hair?" The brunette girl asked out of the blue. Her eyes focused on the tall girl who looked into the side mirror making sure she could change lanes. She answered with a small, 'hmm.' Once she crossed into the next lane safely she finally thought about what her girlfriend had asked her.

She reached over, placing her right hand on her thigh. "Don't you hate short hair? You wouldn't last long with it." Leah's smile fell as she side eyed the older girl. She rolled her eyes in annoyance knowing that wasn't the response she was looking for. Bada chuckled at her reaction as her hand raised up to brush through her long soft brown hair. Her brown eyes staring ahead at the road in front of them making sure to drive them safely. "Look who's talking." Leah didn't stutter to speak her mind especially around her friends and family. This causes Bada to chuckle, letting out a scoff as well. Her mouth fell wide open in shock not understanding how the younger girl could always come with something in the spot. She always had a comeback for everything, keeping people on their toes. The handsome girl nodded her head in understanding as she removed her hand from her girlfriend. She brushed a few hair strands off her shoulder as she sassy kept driving. The younger girl giggled about not being able to stay mad or hold a grudge when it came to Bada.

Parking the car near a park the handsome girl bright her intertwined hands up towards her lips. She kissed the back of Leah's hand making her smile. "No matter what you do to your hair, Moonie. You'll still be the most beautifulest girl I have ever laid eyes on." A huge grin appeared on the brunette's face showing her white pearly teeth. A small blush appeared on her cheeks. She could feel her heart skip a beat the longer she stared into her eyes. She became shy all of the sudden looking away from her and covering her face with her right hand. Bada chuckled softly, she grabbed each side of her girlfriend's face. She pulled her in kissing the top of her head before exiting the car. Leah waited to hear her shut the door before allowing a scream to escape her lips. She covered her mouth screaming in excitement, loving how easily Bada made her heart flutter.

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