Chapter 1

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This is my first story in this genre. I don't know everything about A/B/O so please don't be mad if you notice any mistakes ;). This is also the first time I'm adding a bit more explicit content, only not in detail. It's just mentioned :)

Hope you like it anyways <3


"Are you okay?" Seokjin askes when he sits down next to Taehyung on the couch in the living room. The younger one is sitting in the corner with his legs drawn close to his chest with his head resting on top of his knees.

"Yeah" Taehyung hums but he didn't bother to lift his head

"You don't look like it" the alpha said and continued when he only received a nonchalant shrug in return "Did you fight with Jimin again?"

"I dn't kn'w whts wr'ng with me" Taehyung mumbled

"What's that?" Seokjin asked softly as he rubbed the boy's back

"I don't know what's wrong with me"

"Oh Tae, nothing is wrong with you. You just presented and meet your alpha" the older one said

"I wish I had never presented" Taehyung mumbled again and covered his head with his arms as if he tried to disappear from the world around him. It pained Seokjin to see him like this, but he wasn't completely surprised. Taehyung was the fifth member to presented after him. and all of his donsaengs had faced some kind of issues afterwards. Presenting wasn't just physical changes to someone's body, but also learning your new subgender. And being presented as alpha always came with struggles.

"I know it's hard in the beginning, but it'll get better" Seokjin said and moved his hand to the boy's neck to play with the soft dark brown locks.

"Jimin probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore, how will it ever get better hyung?" Taehyung snapped back, his inner alpha growling slightly at the older member while baring his teeth.

"Taehyung" Seokjin warned. Thankfully the younger alpha's instincts had developed well enough to remember his place and stand down before it got worse. "It will get better, and - no let me finish Taehyung - It will get better, because it always does. Yoongi had struggled in the beginning, Namjoon and Hoseok as well. Heck, Jimin even needed two months to finally accept his omega. And I haven't even told you about my presenting days"

"Did - did you fight as well?" the younger boy asked hesitant and lifted his head to look at his hyung.

"Well not exactly since me and Yoongi were the only ones that were presented in the beginning" Seokjin said "But that doesn't mean I didn't struggle. I had nobody to teach me how to be an alpha, or how to take care of Yoongi when he got in heat. I was very insecure and let me alpha take over and well... Those weeks weren't my proudest weeks and I still feel guilty for the pain I caused, especially how much I hurt Yoongi"

Taehyung didn't know what to say at the honest words. He knew how Namjoon's, Hoseok's and Jimin's presentation went since he was there, but he wasn't with Seokjin's and Yoongi's. The oldest two had decided to rent an apartment during their presentation so they wouldn't burden the rest of the unpresented pack. At first they thought it was the right decision but after Yoongi's presentation it was clear that they needed the rest. No matter if you were an alpha, beta or omega, their inner subgender needed a pack and being separated from them caused only more problems.

But Seokjin and Yoongi had to find out the hard way, so they were determined to help the rest the best they could. Over the years they had learned from experience how to act like a pack, dealing with their dynamics and needs, as one by one presented. And right now Taehyung was struggling with controlling his alpha and knowing his spot in the pack hierarchy, and it seemed like his alpha was challenging Jimin's omega to swap places.

"I don't want to fight with Jimin, I don't want to hurt him" Taehyung said and Seokjin could tell how close he was to crying. The big brown eyes were filling with tears and his bottom lip started to tremble. Even though the boy was an alpha now, he still looked like a puppy.

"It's hard but it needs to be done, your alpha needs to know it's place in the hierarchy, and so does Jimin"

"But why?"

"Why?" the oldest member asked confused

"Why do I fight with Jimin and not with Hoseok, Namjoon or you? You're the alphas. Why Jimin?"

Seokjin smiled softly and ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "Because you and Jimin are very close in age. You're an alpha but Jimin is older. That makes you almost equal. It natural for your alpha to challenge someone who's this close in rank"

"I hate my alpha" the boy pouted and whipped a tear that escaped his eyes.

"You just need to get to know him. He is a part of you now. Yoongi hated being an omega in the beginning, but he loves it now"

"Yoongi-hyung wanted to be an alpha?" Taehyung asked amazed

"No" Seokjin chuckled "He wanted to be a beta. He hated the idea of going through ruts and heats"

"Ahhh I agree, I don't want to think about ruts either" the younger one whined, causing Seokjin to chuckle even more

"You'll do great and I'm sure will love your new role in the pack. It will become natural although it doesn't feel like that right now"

"How can you like all of that?" Taehyung's nose wrinkled slightly in disgust, his mind probably going crazy with all kinds of thoughts. And Seokjin couldn't blame him. The pack had made a rule that the pups weren't allowed during ruts or heats or when they were mating with each other. Not only because they were too young but also because their bodies hadn't changed to participate safely yet. So Taehyung didn't know a lot about mating or knotting, he only knew how to kiss, scent or give a handjob but that's it.

"I can't explain it. You will find out yourself, but hyungs will always be there to help you" Seokjin said

"You promise?" the younger one asked shyly

"Yeah of course. I promise" and then the older alpha pulled the younger one close and scented him until he had calmed down enough to fall asleep.

Learning how to be an AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz