Side Story Chapter 5 - On a date

Start from the beginning

"You're having dinner alone..."

["That's okay...It's not like I'm here to have dinner with you, Pete. You came here to stay with him."]

"Yeah, I know...I came here for Vegas...and Lian sent you to follow me. Go back to Taiwan, better stay with Macau and Venice. I'll be at ease if you do so."

I guess Lian wanted to get rid of Arm.

["Is that really okay, Pete?!"]

"Sure...I'll talk to Wang. He won't bother you. Besides, I'm with Vegas. Is there better person to look after me?!"

Although I'm more worried to look after him since he's alone with Khun Kinn...

["If there's someone that would die to protect you, it's Khun Vegas.]

"Yeah...he would."

["But hey, be careful that Khun Kinn and his bodyguards don't see you."]

"Isn't my disguise good enough?!"

["It is, but It's better to be cautious."]

"I will."

[I'll be going then"]

"You sound excited now."

[It's not too a couple of hours I'm back home...I'm planning to have a date too."]


["Goodbye, Pete! Call me whenever you need me! Have fun!"]

"You too!"



"What the fuck was that, Vegas?!"

"You didn't like my idea?! That mafia boss liked it.

"An art exhibition?! To show that crap?!"

"People like will be a hit."

"It means a week here!"

"Why are you upset? You're the lucky one! You don't have to stay. As I committed myself to help, I guess I have no option."

"Why have you suggested that in the first place? What are your true intentions?"

"My true intentions?!Isn't it obvious?! To prove to you and Uncle Korn once more I'm not some worthless parasite living at Main Family expenses. Anything that pleases that annoying daughter seems to please Freak Daddy-Boss! As he is pleased, those drug deals are ours at a very good price now. Drug dealers giving a discount is not something you see often. Why don't you admit it?! I can take care of Minor Family Business myself."

"You're not the head of Minor Family anymore. Porsche is."

"So he should be the one here with me, not you. Why is he not here, Kinn?"


Those angry eyes of my cousin...

And silent words that speaks volumes...volumes of how much he hates me.

"Don't mess this deal."

"You can bet I won't."

More importantly...I need to guarantee my vacation time with Pete, asshole.

"We'll see."

"Do you want to celebrate?! I'm going to have some fun. Wanna join?! That juicy ass you kicked this morning will be there with me."

I always mix truths and lies in a sentence to sound honest. polygraph can catch me.

"I'm not a bastard like you."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now