"It's because they may have been involved in something that happened during my childhood," he finally answered. "Don't expect any more information about that." He sounded cold and threatening.

For as curious as Macaria was about the topic, Simon's cold tone made a shiver run down her spine as she refrained from asking any more questions about the topic. Instead, she lied about having to go and then quickly hung up. She had never heard Simon talk like that before. A few moments later, Simon had sent her a text message containing an article.

Instead of opening the message and looking at the contents of the article, she decided to wait until later so she and Natsuki could look at it together. Until then, she didn't want to return to Natsuki's place quite yet.

So, are you going to go back and tell Natsuki and Renley about what Simon said? He made the same points as Renley, dosen't that seem strange? Hoshiko asked.

Macaria shook her head, "Not right now. Since we're here," she began as she looked at a bookstore just across the street, "I might as well try to find a book about spirits. If I'm going to help you and the others, I should learn more about spirit servants and the gods. And who knows, we might find something about you."

Upon entering the store, Macaria was greeted with a strong scent of coffee inside the store. To the right of the entrance was a small café in the corner of the store with a few seats for people to enjoy their drinks with a book. Hoshiko seemed quite interested in the calm and quiet atmosphere. He even said that back in Celestia, finding a quiet library or any place to read was quite rare in the city. The book sellers and librarians were strict, but they were even stricter if they were unknowns.

I wish I could physically hold a book again, Hoshiko commented as his voice trailed off. I wonder how different the books in this world are.

"What kind of books do you read?" Macaria asked as she began looking around and reading the signs with different genres. She didn't quite know where to begin searching. In fact, she didn't know where to start looking for the books she wanted. This was the first time she had tried to look for books about the spirits. She began wandering through the aisle of books and skimming the shelves. After some time, she found herself staring at the escalator in the middle of the store that led to the second floor. Maybe, just maybe, the books were on the second floor. You know you could ask an employee where the books are. That would save you quite a bit of time, Hoshiko sighed.

Asking someone where the location of the books was a good idea, but Macaria was afraid to. What if someone laughed at her? This was always her fear and the reason why she never asked people for help. She'll find the books on her own, eventually. Sure, it would be longer before she found them, but she was fine with that. On the other hand, Hoshiko wasn't. Come on, things will go a lot faster if you ask. What's stopping you? Hoshiko asked.

Macaria didn't respond as she stepped off the escalator and onto the second floor. At this point, she didn't mind if Hoshiko went silent again. Hey, are you listening? He asked. Again, she didn't respond as she scanned each section on the second floor. There seemed to be more DIY and hobby books up here. She then looked behind her and saw a religion section.

Huh, they advertise a section with religious books like that?

His words made her stop in her tracks in confusion. "What do you mean? Why are you so surprised by this?"

Back in Celestia, most bookstores didn't have their books about religion out in the open like this. Some people are extremely sensitive to this kind of thing since not everyone believes in the gods or their existence. Some don't even believe in mine. And for those who don't try to get their hands on the books and burn them. Whenever you hear about a theft at a bookstore, it's almost certain that a radical has gotten their hands on a religious book, Hoshiko explained.

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