Similarly, Gu Siyu's heart shattered, as if going back to the past, being pressed down and beaten by someone, hit on the head and body with stones, everything, everything, all shouting her sorrow.

Gu Siyu supported herself, earnestly saying, "Huo Junxian, we are impossible. I don't like you. Please, stay away from me."

Saying it for the person in front of her to hear, and for herself to hear.


Huo Junxian responded, unwilling to listen to her words, stepping towards her step by step.

"Let me go." Gu Siyu stepped back, "Huo Junxian, you are really amazing. We agreed to cooperate, and I took away three billion from Jin Yuansen, but you still left me a way out. What's the difference between you and Jin Yuansen?"

Huo Junxian frowned, feeling uncomfortable with her description. "I never thought about taking the money back. What belongs to you is yours. I like you. As long as you don't run away..." it wouldn't reach that point.

"Don't say 'as long as'." Gu Siyu couldn't stand it. What she wanted was not reasons but that Huo Junxian shouldn't have done this. She said, "Huo Junxian, there are so many people in the world who want to play with you. Don't fixate on me. I can't afford to play with you."

Gu Siyu pointed to her own ear, indicating that she heard everything clearly. Each word pierced her, and she couldn't bear this little by little. She couldn't distinguish what exactly she was sad about, what she was struggling with, and how to struggle.

But if Huo Junxian really liked her, how could she be so against her?

"If, if, at this point, you still want me to be with you, then kill me, dig out my heart, so I won't speak, won't struggle, and my heart will belong to you."

Gu Siyu said each word slowly.

Sure enough, the one who is heartbroken can turn words into poetry.

Huo Junxian wanted to go up and hug her, her arms tightened, blocking her mouth again, telling her not to speak. However, she couldn't move her feet. Her communication with the surroundings was very poor, and she needed a reference to interpret people's expressions.

She stood still, and her brain slowly reached a conclusion: Ge Siyu was angry, she was furious, and she was upset because she had become upset.

She was going to lose her.

There were many paths in the world; they didn't need to deliberately choose two paths that led in opposite directions. But Huo Junxian was adamant, insisting on holding onto her, pulling and tugging, stubbornly, not letting go. She pinched Gu Siyu's wrist, and when Gu Siyu struggled, she also scratched the back of her hand.

Huo Junxian approached, and Gu Siyu moved backward, quickly retreating to the center of the road. She wasn't afraid of being hit by a car; she just wanted to maintain distance from Huo Junxian. Huo Junxian forcefully pulled her back, asking her, "Did you just want to go with her? Why are you so good to her and treat me so poorly?"

Ge Siyu laughed briefly.

"Is it that everyone else is okay, just not me?" Huo Junxian asked. Gu Siyu didn't answer, seemingly tacitly agreeing. Huo Junxian's gentle temperament was crumbling. She frowned, "Why? I can't understand."

She was indeed different, she could argue back, be clear-headed, and also make her very sad and uncomfortable. Knowing where she hurt, where she would lose control, she would stab there with a needle.

"If you're so capable, go and kill everyone in the world." Gu Siyu lifted her chin, stubborn and proud. Facing Huo Junxian's dominance, she still resisted, defiantly opposing Huo Junxian.

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