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Time skip after 1 week

It was usual routine for all like Boys were busy for there upcoming  concert and Tae was busy in her project work with Kookie.They made good bond with each other i.e. they became friends now and calling each other with nicknames was usual for them.Otherside with boys, Aside from practice they were also finding information of mafia queen. Also Today was last day of project work both girls were doing and also with bo-ah and min-kyu, Bo- ah as usual housework and min-kyu was busy in sometimes helping Tae in project work and sometimes taking his wife on little dates because love have no age right.

Also Today was concert in Korea of BTS which Tae wanted to attend due to reasons; first, she is also BTS army and second she want something to refresh her mind due the hectic week.

So here boys were getting ready for there performance and other side Tae with her parents were on the way to stadium where concert was held.She also called Kookie in concert who was also excited as same level like Tae.So she was also on the way to concert but separately from Tae.First Tae wanted her to meet her parents and come with them but Kookie had some work so she is coming separately.

With Tae and her parents
No one's pov

They almost reached stadium but someone attacked them  and killed all the guards except driver who hided.Guards were outnumbered so they were not able to defend them.Min-Kyu wanted to fight but they have guns and he not plus they were so many but still he tries to protect his daughter and wife.He got out of the car but before that he warned them

Min-kyu: Don't come out of the car understood.

Bo-ah: But how you will fight with them, they are so many and you are alone.

Tae: Yes dad, mom is right.

Min-kyu: I am trained and I was mafia king before so I know. Also when I will go there if something happened don't come out and call them ok.

Saying that he went outside and started fighting.He was skilled and trained plus experienced 9f these type of situation.He was beat most of the men of otherside.When he was fighting with one man, someone came from behind and hit his head.

On the other side, Both of them got tensed when he was fighting so they called BTS.Tae was talking to them when she saw someone hit on her father's head from behind and he clutching his head and groaning in pain.So she shouted gaining her mother's attention and she also saw him.

Tae: DAD!!!

Otherside BTS got tensed hearing the shout.They immediately stood up and started to leave the location but there came stopping them.

Manager: Where are you all going? Performance is about start in 5 mins.

Joon: Hyung, sorry to say but we have to go now.Our family is in danger now.

Jin: And if we didn't reached on time then we may loose them.

Jimin: And we already lost someone before now we don't want to loose them also please let us go.

Others also nodded in favour.Listening them manager spoke

Manager: Okk you can go and we will postpone this concert and I will talk to Pd-nim about it and handle the situation here.You all go quickly.

They thanked him and ran from there.In between they called there mans in head quarters because they need plan  to save them.

Otherside with Kookie

She was sitting in VIP area when she listened the announcement.

"Dear army fans, we are sorry to say that we have to postpone this concert due some technical issues and other problems.When the concert will be held next time, You will informed.You can go back to your homes now.Again we are sorry about today."

All fans groaned but understood the situations and started to leave the area.Kookie also started to leave.She was about to sit in the car to leave the venue but yeonjun called her

On the call

Yeonjun: Queen there is on problem here.

Kookie: What happened Jun? You are sounding serious.(Jun is yeonjun's mafia name)

Yeonjun: Queen someone kidnapped, and Taehyungie an hour ago and Bangtan already left to rescue them but they don't know that it's trap for them.

Kookie: Jun call our man and girl fighters , snipers and hack there location.I am coming to the headquarters right now. And also get the weapons ready.

Yeonjun: Okay queen I will do that.

And then kookie left from there in full speed because the situation is serious now and It's time to show that kidnappers that they touched volcano by harming and trapping her family.

So that's it for today and sorry for not updating early.Actually I could have updated early but I was thinking to make the situation to let them meet.

Sorry guys and till my next update take care of yourself because the temperature is decreasing day by day.
Till my next update, stay healthy and stay happy.


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