"I already beat you enough, youre the real issue" Azazel says as he holds his blade, moon magic gathering into it


Asta dodges some of the slashes, cutting through the last one somewhat shakily

"Even with this power.... he clipses it so easy!" Asta says as Azazel steps forward

""I dont want to hurt you more then i have too" Azazel says as he runs forward, slamming his blade into Astas blade as his entire body shakes

"His power...." Asta says as he is thrown backward

"We're outclasses bad Asta!" Liebe says as Asta raises his hand


Azazel grabs his hand, kicking Asta in the face and throwing him into the ground as he stomps on his chest

"Im tired of having to plead with you, father wouldnt be happy" Azazel says as Asta grits his teeth

"I dont care!" Asta says as he rasies his hand, but Azazel stops on him again, causing a huge crater

"ASTA!" NOelle says as she tries to get up, but falls back to her knees as Azazel looks at her

"Hmph, sorry Asta, this is the end of the world for your little trip" Azazel says as he grabs Asta, picking him up as he knees him in the face, before punching him hard in the gut as his devil union fades away

"No..." Noelle says as Dante looks at whats in front of him, smiling

"And thasts our final piece..." Dante says as Noelle looks at him

"Final piece? What about Captain WIllam?!" Noelle asks as Dante has a sly grin on his face

"Like I said... our final piece" Dante says as Noelle gets up, limping as she looks at the trio of power in front of her, biting her lip as blood leaks out

"Come on... lets go" Azazel says as he hoists Asta over his shoulder as Asta looks at Noelle, a small smile overcoming his face

"Dont worry..." Asta says as the portal opens, Azazel taking a step through as Noelle looks at Astas smile... but instead of sitting and taking it quietly, she makes a drastic move

"NOOOOOO!" Noelle screams as magic shoots out of her, Azazel and the others stopping as magic envelops around her

"I wont let you have your way, espically not with the boy i..." Noelle says as they look at her, her magic continuing to shoot more and more around her as she looks at Azazel, pure hate in her eyes

"I WONT LET YOU TAKE THE BOY I LOVE!!!" She yells as Azazels eyes open wide as he hears the words leaving her mouth

Me and you will be together.... forever!

You know she isn't good for you son... you know what you have to do.

"Little girl..." Rias says shocked as Noelle shakes her off

"SHUT UP!" Noelle says as rot magic rises around her, forming a large and beautiful flower around her as Azazel looks

"Azazel..." Zaraki says as Azazel nods

"Yeah... this will be an issue" Azazel says as the large flower blooms, Noelle rising up as she looks way different then before

The Taker of Magic; A Black Clover StoryWhere stories live. Discover now