Chapter 8: The Orphanage

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As Eliza and Kesi approached the orphanage, a warm smile crept across Kesi's face. For Kesi, the orphanage was a second home. She didn't know what to expect when she first sought employment within its walls, thinking the rustic building was just another place in Beachwick. Like most Saintians, the orphanage had been there her whole life. Almost daily, she walked by its large exterior windows, giving the outer brick wall little more than a passing glance. However, when she entered the grandiose door of cogs and gears, she found herself transported to a magical place of learning and safety.

Inside, there was an expansive common area—a buzzing hive of activity. Every inch of its once copper and bronze walls featured whimsical drawings depicting a kaleidoscope of dreams and adventures accumulated over the years. Each one carefully captured the imaginative spirits of its young inhabitants, bringing the space to life. It was the same younglings who had once drawn on these walls who now taught as teachers, tended to the grounds, or watched the new generation engage in their spirited games of mechanized tag or choo-choo-choose me. Even now, Kesi could see harmonizing laughter dancing with the rhythmic ticking of the clockwork toys scattered across the floor.

Down the hall, the alluring scent of freshly baked treats emanated from the industrial kitchen, where younglings, guided by nurturing caregivers, experimented with gears and levers to conjure up delectable snacks. On the right, amidst the melodic clinking of metal mugs, a tea station served as a gathering place where older younglings animatedly discussed future aspirations and fondly reminisced about cherished memories. While it might not have been the chosen home for any of them, within these walls, Mr. Bidant ensured every youngling found happiness and, most importantly, felt wanted. 

Undeterred by the lively chaos around her, Eliza chose a different path, heading toward the staircase leading to the bedrooms. Assuming she was en route to her own quarters, Kesi moved to follow but found her way obstructed by a crowd of eager younglings, all seeking her attention.

"Kesi!" squealed a young female halfling, latching onto her hoof with all the joy of a playful puppy. The small gesture nearly sent Kesi crashing into the ground, saved only by a second, larger male human who deftly snagged her other hoof; rooting her to the spot.

"Are you here to play with us?" the male inquired with sparkling eyes.

"Yes, play!" chimed in a second male human. "We're playing choo-choo-choose me and guess what? If you play you can be the train."

"Ah, Markes, I see you've been honing your speech. You're sounding more articulate by the day. I'm so proud of you," Kesi beamed while playfully detaching the other two from her own hooves.

"What about me? Coo-coo!" said the female.

"No, me! Shoo-shoo!" insisted the first male.

Kesi shook her head fighting back a burst of laughter. "I'm so proud of you all. We'll continue our lessons in a few days. For now, I have some of my own work to do."

"Aww..." sighed the three in harmonious disappointment, tugging at Kesi's heartstrings. She hated to disappoint them like this, but if she didn't go, she knew she'd be stuck there for hours playing games and listening to antics of the day.

"Tell you what, why don't you little rascals go check out what's happening in the kitchen? Tell them Kesi said you have to share." With that, she gently set the trio back down, their eyes still sparkling with anticipation. Without another word, they turned on their heels and dashed away giggling as they went.

Kesi allowed herself a joyful laugh, the infectious energy of the younglings lifting her spirits. She swiftly made her way upstairs and down the hall. As she approached the room, the sound of Eliza throwing up the shades welcomed her. However, to Kesi's shock and utter embarrassment, a male figure lay sprawled on the bed, unabashedly in the nude.

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