Interlude: The Syndicate

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High in the skyline of steam and deep in the halls of the senate, Hildegard stood at attention. As she waited, a bead of sweat dripped down her face. Truly, the halfling was terrified. As much as she thought this job was going to be good for her career, the minute it started, she regretted it. 

Life had been good to Hildegard. Ambition and determination fast-tracked her career. No matter what she did, she seemed to move quickly up the ranks, but the moment she took her current job, she had come to fear failure would bring it all crashing down on her. It was a fear she now constantly lived with and nothing scared her more than the five Saintians who sat before her. They alone made her want to quit. However, she could not and would not.

In the city of Goldendale, where one could ascend to prestige and power as swiftly as puffs of steam through brass vents, Hildegard's family depended on her. In Goldendale, coin was plentiful. Opportunities beckoned at every corner for those who could navigate the power dynamics. Therefore, the minute a chance had risen in her department to be a liaison between the Asha Syndicate and the Goldendale Syndicate she jumped at it. Almost as fast, she got the job. That should have been her first black flag. Had she not been so caught up in the celebration of its coming with her mate Celedor and her toddling Hubert, she might have seen it right there for what it was and backed out before it was too late. However, that hour had long passed. Reckoning would come when it was over.

She knew too much.

"Report," commanded the halfling on the far-left side. A jolt surged through Hildegard, nearly causing her to jump out of her boots. With a slight turn, she faced the halfling she knew to be Cyricus Fallohide. He was the youngest of the High Syndicate and also the most ruthless. With beady little eyes, he glared at her with a scowl on his face, but that wasn't unexpected. He always had a scowl on his face. When death finally came for her, she was sure it would come from him.

"The residents of Asha are happily making preparations for the upcoming Liberation Day celebration," she relayed swiftly. "Spirits are high, and we aimed to amplify the festive atmosphere. Historical records pinpoint the isle as the decisive battleground where the fight against the beast horde met its end five hundred completions ago vanquishing them for good. To commemorate this victory, we've extended an invitation to one of their own to be the esteemed guest of honor. Apparently, he was a key participant in the war itself."

"No one cares about some celebration of some long-forgotten war steward," Cyricus berated. He started to say more, but the human to his right smacked him upside the head. For a brief second Hildegard locked eyes with the black-haired female known only as Tauret, but looked away as if the black pools of her irises had the power to drain life itself. Death might come from Cyricus, but given the choice between death and Tauret, Hildegard would choose death every time. Word on the steam was Tauret liked to play with her food.

"Idiot!" Tauret said gesturing to the aged elf on her right. "Don't you know High Synthoid too fought in the war? Show some damn respect before I throw you in the furnace pits."

Or worse, Hildegard thought but kept her mouth shut. Afterall, she wasn't an idiot.

"It's good for the dregs to have their fun," came the Gayak voice on the far-right side of the table. From the corners of her eyes, Hildegard could see Rosami Silverblade speak with a look of boredom plastered across his face. With his large hands, he held up his head as he elbowed the table and stifled a yawn. "Bread and Circus keep the masses happy and that in turn keeps our pockets lined. So, you see my dear Cyricus, you should care about their celebration too."

Cyricus huffed with a snort, but said nothing more. Hildegard wasn't sure if she should continue or even if it would be prudent to change subjects, therefore she was relieved when the second halfling in the room, Loveta Longriver spoke up. "As riveting as this all sounds, I think we are all curious to know more about the progress the engineer known as Xara is making with the device."

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