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               Three weeks later

Ty hated that he had to be at the shop so close to his appointment time. He didn't want to be late, so Ty brought his change of clothes with him. He was nervous and excited at the same time, but also knew Heather would kill him if she found out what was happening that day.
"Gibbs, what's with the change of clothes?" Ty heard Denny ask him as they both got out of their vehicles.
"I have an appointment after all my meetings today and I need a change of clothes. Don't want to be late."
"Does it have anything to do with your change in literally everything the last few weeks?" Ty chuckled. "Everyone had noticed the change. You and Elsie back together?"
"No. She actually found herself in a relationship again."
"Good for her, I guess."
"I'm happy for her."
"So what's the the difference then?"
"Nothing in particular." Ty said with a smile.
"Sure..." Denny wasn't convinced, but Ty didn't care. Ty checked his phone, finding a new text.
Ready for today?
He sent one back.
Wouldn't miss it for anything
You better not be late
Ty laughed. Denny arched a brow at him, but said nothing. They headed inside and upstairs for the team meeting. Christopher won the race, but all four drivers had a solid result, all finishing in the top 10. When they got to the conference room, Ty hung his change of clothes up in the back before taking his usual spot next to Christopher.
"Ready for your appointment today?"
"Wish I could have gotten the earliest appointment today, but I have stuff to take care of first."
"Yes, but mostly because my mom will kill me if she found out." Christopher laughed. "It's not funny. I don't keep secrets from her."
"Except that certain relationship three years ago." Ty rolled his eyes. "You'll tell her eventually, so you'll be fine."
"I hope so." Joe finally walked in before they started the meeting. Ty kept watching the time, hoping he can get everything in that he needed to do before his appointment. He was thankful the meeting didn't take too long, but he still had a few more things to do before he had to leave.
"Ty, can I talk to you for a bit?" Joe asked as everyone started to file out of the conference room.
"What's up?"
"I wanted you to come with me and meet a potential new sponsor for the 54 team and..."
"I really wish I could, but I'm on a tight schedule today."
"This is really important, Ty."
"I know, but I have an appointment scheduled for after everything I have to do here and I can't reschedule."
"I didn't know you had an appointment today?"
"It's very important and I can't miss it. Or be late." Joe only nodded before Ty left the room. He headed towards another room where there was a lot of stuff waiting for him to autograph. Ty quickly got to work. By the time he was done, Ty's hand was cramping.
"Great job, Ty. You practically flew through all of that." Ty's PR said as Ty dropped the silver Sharpie on the table.
"Can't be late for my appointment soon."
"You have your Zoom meeting with the three contest winners from Instagram and then you are free for the rest of the day." They headed back to the conference room where Ty's change of clothes were still hanging. Ty got through the Zoom meeting with the fans, surprising them each with tickets to a race of their choice. Afterwards, Ty kicked his PR out of the room before changing. Ty was just looping his belt through the belt loops when there was a knock on the door.
"Yeah?" Christopher stuck his head into the room.
"You have to get going. She's there, waiting already."
"Shit, I thought I had a few extra minutes."
"She ended up getting there early."
"You and Morgan coming over later for dinner?"
"Absolutely. Now get out of here." Ty walked past Christopher. Christopher gave him a quick pat on the shoulder before he headed to the elevator. He couldn't believe it was finally time. Ty headed out of the elevator when the doors opened and out the front doors to the Supra. Tossing his other clothes in the back seat, Ty started the engine and headed to his destination. The 20-minute into the city felt like forever to Ty. He just wanted to get there. When he finally got there, Ty saw her sitting in her car. Once she noticed he was there, she got out. Ty grabbed the small box in his center console before getting out himself.
"You could have told me you were getting here earlier." Ty said, giving her a kiss. Jocelyn was an absolute vision in the floral white dress she insisted that she wore. Ty told her she didn't have to, but he was kind of glad she did. The dress fit her perfectly, hugging every her every curve, ending right at her ankles with a single slit that ran up to her lower thigh. Jocelyn left her hair down, her loose curls danced around her shoulders.
"I've only been waiting here..."
"Almost a half an hour."
"I did go and find some coffee. You ready?"
"Absolutely." Ty took her hand before they headed into the building. They headed to the place where they were told to go when they had come the morning before for paperwork. When they got there, they found a lady sitting at a desk.
"How can I help you?" She asked when they approached her.
"We have an appointment."
"Gibbs." She typed on her computer.
"Here you are. You have your license?" Jocelyn held it up for her to see. "Have a seat and the judge will be right with you." The pair took a seat to wait their turn.
"Your mom is going to kill you when she finds out what we're doing."
"She'll get over it eventually. I wasn't going to wait for this any longer than I had to." Jocelyn just smiled. Ty reached over and took her hand in his. "You still want to do this?"
"Of course. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else in the entire world." They only waited a few minutes before another couple and two other people walked out. "It's our turn."
"Let's go." Ty led her by the hand towards the doors. "Don't we need witnesses?" He asked, turning to face her.
"We do..."
"Are we late?" They both turned, finding the Bells walking into view.
"Right on time." Jocelyn said with a smile. "I didn't think you'd want to ask Christopher, so I did it. And Morgan of course. Now we're ready." They went in, finding the judge sitting and waiting for them.
"Good afternoon. What are we here for today?"
"Uh..." Jocelyn turned to Ty.
"We need to declare our intent to marry."
"Right." As soon as they both declared their intent, the judge proceeded with the ceremony.
"Do you,Tyler Randall, take Jocelyn Grace to be your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And do you, Jocelyn Grace, take Tyler Randal to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Good. Go ahead and exchange rings." Ty dug into his pocket for the small box he had as Jocelyn did the same. Her ring for him was in a small velvet bag. Ty let her slip the ring on his finger before Ty put not only a wedding ring, but an engagement ring on as well.
"You didn't have to get two rings."
"I wanted to. You deserve both."
"By the power vested in me by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Ty pulled his now-wife into his arms before pressing his lips to hers. Wife. She was his wife. He her husband.
"Wife. You're my wife."
"I am." Ty gave her another kiss.
"Let's get this license signed." The couple signed before the judge did. Christopher and Morgan were the last to sign. They left the courtroom and headed back outside.
"I brought my camera. If you want some photos." Morgan told them. "They'll just be for you two. Until you two start telling people." They agreed and let Morgan take a few pictures. They walked Marshall Park and took some photos.
"I wish I could tell everyone that I am the luckiest man in the world."
"You have to tell your mom first." Ty knew she was right. He definitely had to tell his mother. But, right now, the only thing that matter to him was Jocelyn and he couldn't wait to start their new chapter. Together.

                 *Author's Note*
Thank you everyone who stuck with this story and made it as popular as it is! It's much appreciated! I do have a few new projects in the works, so I should have something new for y'all soon! As for Jocelyn and Ty? They are getting a sequel! I'm so excited to share it with you soon! Also, Taylor and Ross have their story to be shared! I can't wait for y'all to read them both! Thank you again for sticking with me on this!

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