Chapter 18

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"You're coming to Pocono this weekend and I'm not taking no for an answer." Jocelyn looked up from her computer to find Ty standing in her office. This was her off hour, using the time to get paperwork done and eat a small lunch. Ty usually spent the free hour in there with her, but he had something going on so he had left her in there alone. Until that moment.
"Hello to you too." She said with a laugh.
"Hi." He walked over to her desk. He put his hands on her desk before leaning down to give her a kiss. "You're coming to Pocono."
"You're going to be a guest of the 54, sit on the pit box, stay with me in the coach, and you're standing by me before the race."
"I will go to the race, I'll be a guest of the 54 and sit on the pit box, I will stay with you in the coach, but I can't stand next to you before the race."
"Why not?"
"Because you have Monster Energy girls to stand by you. I'll stand close to you, on the other side Chris. I don't want to bring attention to us. At all." After Ty told Jocelyn that he loved her two weeks ago, Jocelyn hadn't said it back. Although he told her she didn't have to say it back, Ty wished she did. He didn't want this to be a secret anymore. "I know you want me to, but with the whole situation..."
"I know, I know. I'm getting everything else, so I shouldn't be disappointed."
"Are you?" Ty held up two fingers close together. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm being greedy." Jocelyn leaned up, finally returning the kiss. "What are you doing later?"
"I guess packing for Pocono." She said with a chuckle. "Are you coming over?"
"Of course. I do feel like I spend more time at your house than I do my apartment."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not for me. Sammy's been really starting to notice. Telling me I'm spending too much time with Grace."
"Grace is a lucky girl."
"I'm luckier." Ty took her hand, pulling her out of the chair. "I love you."
"I know." Ty pressed his lips to hers, never seeming to get enough of the sweet taste of her lips. "You're going to have to get out of here. My next therapy session started soon."
"Five more minutes." He moved his lips slowly against hers, making her lean into him as close as she could get. Ty tangled his fingers into her hair as Jocelyn's hands settled on his hips.
"You really have to go now. Martin will be here soon."
"Smug jerk face?"
"You still call him that?"
"Yes because that's what he is." Jocelyn rolled her eyes. "He's trying to be my 'friend' and starting to annoy me."
"You'll be fine." Jocelyn gave him one last kiss before shooing him out the door. A few minutes later, Martin strolled into her office.
"Good morning." He said, plopping down onto the couch.
"Good morning, Martin. How are we today?" Jocelyn asked, sitting down in her chair with a notepad.
"Just peachy. You still with that guy?"
"We're not here to talk about me, Martin."
"You can just answer the question."
"I wonder who TR is? I wonder how Ty is handling you being with someone else. He does have Grace, but nobody has ever seen her. Doesn't post about her on social media. Wonder if he just made her up to get everyone off his back."
"Martin, stop."
"But that doesn't explain him not always sleeping at home, does it?"
"You need to leave, Martin."
"Oh come on. I'm just doing some investigating."
"This is not okay."
"Ty is in here every week basically, so you've got to know something about what's going on."
"Ty doesn't come in here to talk about you and even if he did, I would not tell you. What you're doing is disrespectful."
"Go out with me."
"No. I'm will TR."
"Is it serious?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Does he love you?"
"Do you love him?"
"Yes." She said without hesitation. Jocelyn couldn't believe what she had said. 20 minutes ago, she didn't know how she felt. Something about Martin sitting there, badgering her, made her realize her feelings. "If you have nothing real to talk to me about, please leave. I will also be blocking you from making appointments until this behavior changes."
"I'm sorry, Jocelyn. I just.."
"Please leave." Martin left her office and Jocelyn let out a large sigh. As much as she hated it, Martin did help her realize her feelings for Ty.
Jocelyn sat with Morgan on the JGR plane to Pocono while Ty sat with Christopher. He kept stealing glances at her, but she never look at him.  She was too into one of the books she had brought with her. Jocelyn finally took a peek in Ty's direction, catching him turning back to give Christopher his full attention. She hadn't told him how she felt yet as she didn't know how to. Jocelyn could have said it that night as she crashed down from the high only Ty had ever brought her to or when her name came out of his mouth like a prayer.
"Have you told him yet?" Morgan asked quietly, pulling Jocelyn back to reality. "He doesn't look like he knows."
"I haven't told him and I don't know exactly how to."
"How did he tell you?"
"Right before shower sex." Morgan laughed. "I also haven't told him about the conversation I had with Martin the other day either. I mean, I can't, can I?"
"Martin violated the safe space of the therapy session, so the rules don't apply, right?"
"I just don't want him to do anything stupid."
"Knowing Ty, he may. He did get into a  fight with Sam Mayer last April."
"Isn't that the guy that Evie cheated on him with?" She asked in a hush tone.
"You know about her?"
"She showed up at the raceshop a couple weeks ago. I've never seen him like that."
"Rumor has it, Sam pursued Evie after that just to get back at him. Guess it didn't take much convincing on her part. Just a couple of weeks."
"Oh my God."
"I know. He found out in October. Lost his dad a month later. We don't know where he'd be mentally if you didn't come along to JGR." The rest of the plane ride was silent, Jocelyn trying to concentrate on her book. She kept reading the same sentence over and over. Finally, Jocelyn slapped the book shut, getting the attention of half the plane.
"Sorry." She mumbled, stuffing the book into her bag. When the plane finally landed, they all grabbed their bags and filed off. Christopher had a rental car waiting for the four of them. Ty sat up front with Christopher while the girls sat in the back seat. They listened to the boys talk about all the potentials of what was going to happen that weekend. Morgan had made plans for the two of them to spend some time with Taylor and Bennett away from the track while guys did their obligations.
"I can't wait for you to see Bennett. He is so cute! Even if he looks like his dad."
"To have Ross had your dad though..." Christopher said from the front seat.
"How long have you two known Taylor?"
"Christopher has known her his entire life. They're both from Norman. I met Taylor in 2014 when Christopher and I started dating. They're best friends."
"I was best friends with Daniel first, but when her and I both moved from Norman to Concord, we stuck together."
"She came first."
"Yeah, yeah."
"And gave you a place to stay." The rest of the ride to the track was fairly silent.  Christopher and Ty flashed their hard cards to the security guard before heading to the coach lot. Coincidentally, they were parked next to each other. "Do you guys have dinner plans for tonight?" Morgan asked. Jocelyn looked at Ty.
"We have nothing really planned. I honestly don't know what my mom stocked in the coach this time."
"Your mom is coming?"
"No. I asked her to stock coach for the weekend because I was having a guest."
"I'll figure something out if y'all want to come over with food." Jocelyn said.
"Absolutely. I'll text you what I'm going to make."
"Sounds good. 6?"
"6." Ty grabbed their suitcases from the back and followed Jocelyn to the coach.
"There's a code?" Ty gave her the code. Jocelyn stepped in first. It was cozy and nothing too fancy. She had looked at some in the internet and couldn't believe some of the things people had added to them.
"Home away from home. Bedroom is in the back." They both headed back there to put their things away.
"I'm going to see what I can find to make before Morgan and Christopher get over here."
"Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Why?"
"I don't know. Something seems off."
"You worry too much." Jocelyn gave him a kiss before leaving the bedroom.  Ty seriously hoped he was worrying too much.

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