Chapter 35

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Jocelyn pulled into her parking space Monday morning with the worse stomach ache she could imagine. After the disaster at the Catwalk for a Cause with Martin on Wednesday, Jocelyn had been waiting for a phone call from Dave or Joe terminating her for violating her contract. She had barely slept the last four nights and couldn't even enjoy watching Ty score a top-five at Bristol. He did come to the house late that night after the race. Jocelyn grabbed all of her things before heading into the building. Marlene greeted her and Jocelyn gave her a weak smile before giving on the elevator to head to her office. She had a full day of sessions. Hopefully, Jocelyn could make it through the entire day. Jocelyn got off the elevator and headed to her office. She unlocked her door and turn the light on to get started. Her first session of the day was about to start.
"Jocelyn?" Jocelyn turned and smiled.
"Come on in and sit down. I'll be ready in a minute." She grabbed her pen and pad off her desk before sitting in the chair by the couch. "What do you want to talk about today?" Jocelyn made it through her first two sessions before she started to feel sick. Thank God she finally had a break in sessions because Jocelyn practically ran to the bathroom. She almost took out a few people along the way. Jocelyn barely got into the stall before she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She knelt there on the cold tile with her arms resting on the seat of the toilet. She took a few deep breaths before standing up. Jocelyn washed her hands before leaving the bathroom.
"Jocelyn?" Jocelyn turned, seeing Kala standing next to her.
"Hey, Kala. What can I help you with?"
"Mr. Gibbs would like to see you in his office." Jocelyn's breath caught in her throat.
"Did he say what for?" Kala shook her head. "Thanks for letting me know." Jocelyn headed towards Joe's office. She knew what was about to happen. Jocelyn made it to Joe's office. She knocked, waiting for his answer. As soon as she heard him tell her to come  in.
"Have a seat, Jocelyn." Joe said, not looking up at her. Jocelyn sat in one of the chairs. "How has the morning gone so far?"
"Pretty good. A lot of progress."
"Glad to hear. Missed you at Bristol this weekend. You don't usually miss weekends with us lately."
"Yeah, I had a lot going on and couldn't make the trip."
"The guys definitely like the support."
"We have such a great group of drivers." They were both silent for a long few moments. "Can I ask why I'm in here?"
"It's been brought to my attention that something is going on with you." Oh God. Was this it?
"I don't follow."
"I have been informed of a violation of your contract that you signed with us in April." Jocelyn's heart dropped.
"And that violation involves my grandson."
"Mr. Gibbs, I..."
"I don't understand why you insisted that this certain clause was added to the contract and then you go ahead and violate it."
"I'm so sorry. I..." Jocelyn choked out as the tears started to fall. Joe sighed.
"This puts me in a few difficult position."
"I know and..."
"I'm sorry, but..."
"I'll resign." Jocelyn blurted out.
"I'll resign. Effective immediately. I should have better judgment in the situation and Ty did nothing wrong..." Jocelyn spilled out as the tears kept falling.
"It's all my fault." Jocelyn put her head in her hands.
"If that's what you want to do, I'm not going to stop you."
"Please don't punish Ty. That's all I ask." Joe only nodded. Jocelyn left Joe's office before returning to hers. She grabbed everything of hers from her office before leaving. She couldn't believe what just happened.  Jocelyn drove home, her brain on autopilot. By the time she got home, she lost it again. The tears fell down her face like waterfalls as she went up to bedroom. At that moment, Jocelyn's phone started to ring. It was Marisa.
"Oh my God, what's wrong?" Jocelyn spilled her guts to her best friend. "What are you going to do?"
"I need to...I need to get out of here." Jocelyn said. She left her bedroom in a frenzy.
"You want to come here? Go back tomorrow when Ty gets back."
"No. I need to leave leave, Marisa. I can't put him through this shit anymore." Jocelyn dropped the suitcase on the bed.
"Jocelyn, stop. You need to think about this."
"He deserves someone better than me. Someone that will hold his hand in public and be there for him when he wins races and..."
"I can't do this to him anymore." Jocelyn started to throw things into the suitcase. Jocelyn heard her phone beep. Ty was trying to call her. "I can't talk to him."
"You can't just leave, Joce."
"I can't do this!" Jocelyn sobbed.
"Jared and I are getting in the car right now and heading your way. Don't do anything rash until we get there, okay?"
"Okay." Jocelyn and Marisa hung up. Jocelyn finished packing the suitcase, ignoring the ringing of her phone. Ty was going to get worried that she wasn't answering, but she couldn't face him. She couldn't talk to him. Jocelyn paced around her house for the next two hours before Marisa walked through her front door.
"He keeps calling. I can't talk to him."
"You can't ignore him, Jocie. He's going to know that something is up."
"I..." Jocelyn's phone started ringing again. It was Ty. Marisa snatched the phone from her.
"Marisa! Where is Jocelyn? I've been trying to call her for the last two hours. What are you doing there?"
"She, uh...isn't feeling the greatest right now and she called me."
"I could have came back early for her."
"No, she's fine. She's resting."
"I'm leaving early."
"Don't Ty. She'll be fine. Don't worry." Marisa hung up. "I hate lying, Jocie." Marisa looked over at her best friend. She was crying again. "Jocie..."
"I'm the worst person on the planet, Issa." She sobbed.
"You are not."
"I'm leaving him without saying goodbye."
"You're not leaving."
"I booked a one-way ticket to Toronto."
"He's going to hate me." Marisa pulled Jocelyn to her, hugging her tight. "This is all my fault." Marisa hated seeing her best friend like this. "I shouldn't have let this go this far."
"You fell in love with him, Jocie. That's got to mean something."
"It means everything, but..." Marisa sighed.
"I don't like that you're doing this. I really don't. This is twice this year that you've done something like this."
"Maybe one day I'll understand what is going on..."
"I can't stay here. I just can't."
"I won't stop you. That doesn't mean I support this."
"Do you remember the conversation we had the weekend before my wedding?" Jocelyn nodded. "What did I tell you? This is going to hit you hard. Harder than you think. I didn't think it was going to hit you this hard."

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