Chapter 40

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Jocelyn pulled onto the restaurant that she agreed to meet Morgan and Taylor for lunch. She couldn't believe she was back after two and half years. When Mercer got the internship, Jocelyn was the first person she told. And the person she wanted to come stay with her for the summer. Evan wasn't going to let her stay in the US alone and Evan couldn't come with Daphne so close to giving birth to their first child together. After much convincing, Jocelyn agreed to come. There was a knock on Jocelyn's window, startling her. It was Morgan. Jocelyn barely got herself out before Morgan pulled her into a tight hug.
"I missed you."
"We just saw each other last month." Jocelyn said with a laugh.
"I know, but I missed the days of seeing you almost every day. You know we're going to see each other as much as we can while you're here with Mercer." The pair headed into the restaurant where Taylor was already waiting. They found her in a corner booth, cradling Briar, her and Ross's newborn daughter.
"Jocelyn!" Taylor said as she saw her friends heading towards her. "I still can't believe you're here! I hate that I missed the trip to Toronto with Morgan last month."
"I think giving birth is the perfect excuse to miss. Give her here." Taylor handed Briar over to Jocelyn. "She's so perfect, Taylor. How does BB like being a big brother?"
"Bennett loves it. Always makes sure daddy washes his hands when he comes back from the race shop before he picks her up."
"Such a good big brother. Where is he?"
"At the race shop with Ross." They ordered some food before getting back to their conversation. "Are you going to see him while you're here?" Taylor asked.
"No." Jocelyn said without hesitation.
"Why not?"
"What good is it going to do either of us? Besides he's in a relationship now."
"Jocelyn..." Jocelyn knew about Elsie. Mercer had mentioned someone standing next to him in Nashville, 9 months after she had left. Jocelyn had cried in private, not wanting anyone to see her. Then, she had looked for her on social media. Elsie Hutcherson was two years younger than Ty and at the time a student at High Point University. She was pretty with her long golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Elsie Hutcherson was perfect, the kind of person Jocelyn always knew Ty deserved.
"I'll be fine. Besides, he's not going to know that I'll be here."
"Neither of you aren't going to say anything. Please. I don't need him to second guess the relationship he has had for 2 years all for someone he was with for 5 months when he was 20."
"What about what you want, Jocelyn?"
"I don't want anything. I don't need anything. I'm perfectly fine alone." Jocelyn said as she lightly patted Briar's back. "I tried the dating thing. It didn't work out."
"What happened to Jake?"
"Nothing. Jake was great. Perfect. It's just..."
"He wasn't Ty. We get it. It hasn't been easy for you. Or him for that matter."
"He found someone that he should spend then rest of his life with. She seems nice."
"She is. So polite to everyone. Sometimes a little to polite." Morgan said. "Enough about her, let's talk about something more upbeat." The trio ate their lunch and caught up before heading out of the restaurant. Taylor had to go get Bennett from Trackhouse, leaving Jocelyn and Morgan in the parking lot. "You should come to the shop. The guys would love to see you again."
"Ty usually spends the day with the crews doing pit practice on Tuesdays, so he's in the back."
"I don't know..."
"Mercer would love to see you there."
"Only for a bit." Morgan only nodded. Jocelyn followed Morgan to Joe Gibbs Racing. Jocelyn's nerves were at an all time high as they pulled into the parking lot.
"Everything is going to be okay." Morgan told her as they stood in front of the building. They walked in, immediately being greeted by Marlene.
"Ms. Davis!" Marlene came around the front desk to give Jocelyn a hug. Jocelyn welcomed it.
"Hi, Marlene."
"I have to tell you that Mercer has been such an amazing intern around here."
"She's only been here a week." She said with a chuckle.
"She's a natural." Jocelyn gave her a smile.
"We're going to hang out for a bit. Is that okay?"
"Absolutely! Go on up, ladies." They gave her a smile before taking the elevator up to the second floor. They were immediately greeted by Christopher.
"Morgan. Jocelyn. What are you two doing here?" He asked after giving his wife a kiss and then his friend a hug.
"Figured we'd come and hang out for a bit. Come see Mercer at work."
"Mercer is currently sitting in on a meeting with the crew chiefs."
"Oh, well, I can leave then..." Jocelyn turned, but Morgan grabbed her arm.
"You don't need to leave just yet."
"I'm going to see how pit practice is going. Over by the window." Jocelyn followed behind the Bell's over to the window that overlooks the back of the building. She stood next to Morgan at the window, seeing the makeshift pitbox and pit wall. Jocelyn watched as the car pulled into the box and the crew jumped over the box to service the car.
"The guys are looking good." Jocelyn said, both Morgan and Christopher agreeing.
"Ty's got the fastest pit crew again this year."
"That's Ty's crew? I don't see Jackson."
"Jackson was moved to Denny's team after last season. That's the new guy, DeLuca. Looks like they're coming in for a quick break." Jocelyn didn't see Ty out there like Morgan said he would be.
"Ty's in the car. He likes to help out during practice, so he pulls the car in. Let's go downstairs and meet the guys."
"Ty stays in the car. Promise." Jocelyn followed Christopher and Morgan down to the shop floor were the 54 team were having a quick snack.
"How's it going out there?"
"Pretty good. The driver needs to hit his marks a little better."
"Relax, DeLuca, it's just practice." DeLuca turned to Jocelyn.
"Who is this?"
"Jocelyn. She's the guardian for our intern Mercer." Christopher said.
"The kid pretty cool."
"She's gets it from her mom." Jocelyn replied.
"You going to be around for a while?"
"Down DeLuca." DeLuca held her hands up. "We don't need a certain driver to find out what you're doing." Braxton, Ty's jackman, said.
"Always coming to my aid, Brax." Jocelyn said, giving the jackman a side hug.
"Just trying to be nice." DeLuca said with a wink.
"We have to get back to work. It was great seeing you again, Joce." The crew headed back out to where Ty was sitting in the car still.
"Did you bring me back a snack?" Ty asked Braxton as he climbed out of the car.
"Of course." Braxton handed his driver a granola bar. "You also missed DeLuca hitting on Morgan and Christopher's friend." He said as they sat down on the pit wall.
"Did she turn him down?"
"Didn't give her the chance to." Ty looked over at DeLuca.
"You will flirt with anyone, won't you?"
"Can't help it. She's hot though. I should ask Mercer for her number."
"Why would you ask Mercer?"
"Christopher said she was Mercer's guardian." Ty frowned.
"Mercer's guardian is married to Evan, Mercer's dad."
"I didn't see a ring on her finger."
"What did she look like? Long red hair? Blue eyes?"
"No, dark brown hair and green eyes."
"Yeah, that's her name. She's fucking hot. May try asking her out next time." Ty quickly jumped off pit wall.
"Shit, Ty." Braxton got up as well to stop his driver, but he was too late. Ty took off running. He didn't exactly know where he was going, but he didn't care. Ty ran around the side of the building before he saw the parking lot. He finally caught site of her. She was walking to her car with Morgan by her side.
"Jocelyn!" He yelled. She didn't turn. Ty started running towards her, only for her to get in her car and drive away.

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