Chapter 11

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"Jocelyn!" Jocelyn turned around, seeing the Bass Pro driver jogging towards her. She hadn't talk to him much since her and Ty started seeing each other, Jocelyn knowing how much the elder driver had been picking on him. "Hey, haven't seen you much lately."
"Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately." Jocelyn turned to her brother. "I'll catch up with you guys in a minute." Evan only nodded before leading the kids away. "What's up?"
"I know we haven't really hung out much, but I really do enjoy being around you."
"I like being around you too."
"Listen, I was wondering since you're single and I'm single..." Jocelyn knew where this was going.
"Maybe we can see where this can lead us?" Jocelyn didn't exactly know what to say. She knew she had to turn him down, but how was she going to do it? That's when Jocelyn caught Ty in the corner of her eye. She knew he was watching the pair.
"I'm flattered, really, but..." Jocelyn took a deep breath. "I've kind of been seeing someone and I'm definitely not the kind of person to go and see two people at once."
"Oh. Do I know the guy?" Jocelyn bit her lip.
"It's still super new, so I really don't want to say anything else other than I'm sorry."
"No worries. If things don't work out..."
"I think things may work out with him."
"I guess I'll see you around?"
"Definitely." Jocelyn watched as the other man walked away before heading over to the 54 hauler were everyone was standing around.
"They're postponing the rest of the Xfinity race until after the 600." Chris Gayle, Ty's crew chief, told the group as Jocelyn rejoined. "They need enough time to get the track dry for Cup."
"We'll stay for the Cup race and then head back to Joce's house." Evan said, talking about himself and the kids.
"I want to stay for the Xfinity race too!" Mercer said.
"She can stay with me. We'll get one of the crew guys to drop us off at home."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure we can find someone to take us home."
"Okay. Mercer can stay."
"How about we go into the hauler to get a snack?"
"We'll be right in." Ty said before the rest walked into the hauler. "What did Martin have to say?"
"Oh, you saw that?" She asked, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Yeah, I saw that. What did he want?"
"A little jealous, aren't we?" Ty rolled his eyes. "He asked me out. To see where this could lead us."
"Don't worry, I rejected him. Told him I was seeing someone else."
"Did he..."
"I obviously didn't tell him it was you. Told me if things didn't work out..." Ty scoffed. "And I told him that I was pretty sure it was going to work out. You have nothing to worry about. Okay?" She put a hand on his cheek.
"Okay. Let's get that snack." They headed in, finding the entire crew and Jocelyn's family having their snack. They joined, Ty discreetly putting his arm around her waist as she leaned her hip against the cabinets.
"Alright guys, NASCAR is calling drivers to pit road. Drivers to pit road!" Everyone started filing out of the hauler.
"Stand by me?" Ty asked in a low voice, making sure only she could hear him.
"I did last week at North Wilksboro, making the excuse as it was my first race ever. Which it was. Two weeks in a row and people will start asking questions."
"I tried." He said with a laugh. They all headed towards the car.
"You have Monster Energy girls to stand by you. We're going to be over by the pit box for the anthem." Ty frowned. "Don't give me that look."
"Can I at least take you home tonight?"
"That was supposed to be a given."
"As long as I get to take you home, it's a deal."
The trio pulled up to Jocelyn's house after the double header. Ty didn't fare to well in the Cup race as he finished 26th, but he did much better in the Xfinity race as he secured a top-5. Mercer has the absolute best time at the race track. Jason Ratcliff let Mercer make a few pit calls during the Xfinity race.
"That was so much fun." Mercer said with a yawn. "Thank you, auntie, for the best vacation ever."
"Any time."
"Championship weekend in Pheonix?" Mercer asked, getting a laugh from both Jocelyn and Ty.
"I'll have to talk to your dad first. Why don't you head inside and I'll be right behind you."
"Okay. Night, Ty."
"Night, Mercer." The pair watched as Mercer bounded up the front steps into the house. Ty leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "I'm exhausted."
"If I drove that many miles in one day, I'd be exhausted to. Thank you for everything you've done for my family this weekend." Jocelyn grabbed Ty's hand and laced their fingers together. Ty placed a kiss on the back of her hand.
"I'll definitely do it again." They sat there for a few more minutes in silence. "I guess I should get going."
"You don't have to. I mean, you can stay."
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Okay." They both got out of Ty's Supra heading towards the front door. Jocelyn caught site of her neighbor peeking through her curtains. She gave her a wave, laughing when Barbara practically shut her curtains with a lot of force. "She is very nosy."
"Told you." They walked into the house, finding Evan sitting on the couch in his pajamas. "Oh, hey. Thought you would be in bed by now."
"Just enjoying the silence. Is he staying the night? Am I going to be finding him sneaking out at 4AM again?" Evan asked with a smile. Jocelyn rolled her eyes. "Just keep it down."
"We'll try. Can't make any promises." The pair headed upstairs to Jocelyn's room. Jocelyn went straight for the adjoining bathroom while Ty plopped down on the bed. "Are we still on for therapy tomorrow?" She asked through the bathroom door.
"Yes. I guess I need to talk about smug jerk face." Ty said, toeing his shoes off and pulling off his socks.
"Smug jerk face?"
"You are so cute."
"It's really bothering me with him and I'm just so cute?" Jocelyn emerged from the bathroom.
"I understand. I do." Jocelyn walked over to the other side of the bed, crawled across the bed to sit behind him. Jocelyn put her arms around his neck.
"He thinks he so cool and he can just talk to you so so easily and..."
"Who is in my bedroom right now? You or smug jerk face?"
"Who has seen me naked? You and smug jerk face?"
"Me." Jocelyn pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"No matter what Martin tries to do, just know I'm with you, not him." Ty turned so that they were face-to-face.
"These always drive me crazy." He said, taking the silky fabric between his fingers.
"That's news to me." Jocelyn said not-so innocently.  Ty crawled up on the bed, forcing Jocelyn back to the head of the bed. She settled between the pillows as Ty hovered over her. He pressed a kiss to her lips. Ty pulled away first, much to Jocelyn's dismay. Her disappointment soon melted away as he moved his lips from her lips to her neck. "Ty..."Jocelyn tangled her fingers into his hair.
"Shh." He dragged his lips down her neck, lightly nipping at her skin. Jocelyn let out a moan as his lips dragged down between her breasts. Ty pushed the hem of her tank up, exposing her stomach. His kisses kept going south and Jocelyn's hold on his hair got tighter. "Pulling a little tight." He said against her hip.
"Sorry." She mumbled, loosening her grip. Ty  gripped her left leg, pulling it up so her foot was flat on the bed. His lips were back on her body, nipping and sucking the skin on her inner thigh. "You're going to leave a mark." Ty looked up, their gazes meeting.
"That's the whole plan."

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