Chapter 4

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Jocelyn had canceled all her sessions that day. She wasn't feeling up to anything and she couldn't figure out why until she remembered what the date was. It had been 12 years since her dad passed away. She had called Dave at the race shop to tell him she needed to take the next two days off. She needed to visit him. There wasn't a grave for her to visit, so she had decided a day trip to where she and Evan spread his ashes, Nags Head. It was one of his favorite places he visited as a child and somewhere he had taken Jocelyn and Evan a few times as children as well. She had texted her brother that she was going before putting her overnight bag in her car. Instead of texting her back, Evan called.
"Are you okay, Joce?" Evan asked after Jocelyn picked up.
"Not really."
"Do you decided a five and a half hour drive to Nags Head is going to help?"
"Maybe, I don't know. I'll know when I get there."
"I don't know how going there is going to help. This is the first time you've been like this on this day in 8 years."
"Maybe it's because I actually live close enough to him that I can do this."
"What exactly is going on with you? Six months ago, you were getting ready to get married to Ben and you had your steady job at the rehab facility."
"People change, Evan."
"You don't. At least not this dramatically."
"Things got brought up this past week about dad and..." Evan sighed. "I'm not going off the deep end, Evan. I just need to figure things out."
"Okay. Call me when you get there. I love you, Joce."
"I love you too, Evan."  Jocelyn's drive to Nags Head was fairly silent, except for the Asher Davis playlist that she had made years ago. All of his favorite artists and songs, made her feel like he was still with her. When Jocelyn finally got there, she was starving. She had skipped breakfast to get a head start on the road. Jocelyn tracked down her dad's favorite lunch spot and had lunch. She finally took the time to catch up on messages. Dave had sent out a mass email saying all therapy sessions would be canceled for both Tuesday and Wednesday as Jocelyn was taking some personal time off. She had several messages telling her they hope everything is okay. She appreciated all the kind words from everyone at JGR. She called Evan, told him the place hasn't changed much since the last time they were out here. Jocelyn finished lunch before heading to the bed and breakfast she booked for the night. Once she got settled in at the Bed and Breakfast, Jocelyn saw she had a message from Ty. She hadn't talked to Ty since that morning outside the race shop the other week. After that conversation, Jocelyn felt like she was developing feelings for the young man. She knew she couldn't, for a number of reasons. Jocelyn sent him a text telling him she appreciated him asking if she was okay. Instead of texting back, he called her.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. I think. I don't know. I'm not sure to be honest." She replied, plopping down on the bed.
"Do you want to talk about it? How about a late lunch?"
"I already had lunch. Besides, I'm not in town."
"What do you mean?"
"I needed to see my dad. So, I am now almost 6 hours away in Nags Head."
"You buried your dad there?"
"Evan and I spread his ashes on his favorite beach, in his favorite place. It's been 12 years today since he passed. So, I woke this morning and decided I needed to be here today."
"If you need someone to really talk to, just call me. I mean it."
"I know you do and I appreciate it." There was a long pause. "I guess I should..."
"I like you, Jocelyn."
"I mean, I like you like you. I know there's an age gap and..."
"I should really let you go. I'll talk to you soon." Jocelyn hung up before tossing her phone onto the bed next to her. "I really don't need this right now."  She sighed before getting off the bed. She needed to get down to the beach. Jocelyn found the perfect spot to sit. She could definitely tell why Asher loved to be here and why he always came here for vacation. Jocelyn listened to the waves crashing against the sand and the seagulls flying above.  She sat there for what seemed like forever. This is exactly what she needed.
Ty couldn't believe he did it. He told her how he felt and she hung up on him. It probably wasn't the best way to do it, but Ty was just relieved that he finally got it off his chest. He thinks he scared her away now. He hadn't heard from her since she got back Wednesday and of course they had left for Dover the following day. She had made a public post thanking everyone at the race for thinking of her this week, briefly mentioning the anniversary of her father's passing 12 years ago. She had also posted on her Instagram of brand new ink She had gotten while she was in Nags Head earlier in the week. Ty didn't want to admit that he had deep dived into her Instagram, finding photos of her other 7 tattoos.
"Dude, I was so close to getting her to come home with me last week." Ty heard Martin's voice echo the 11 hauler. They were all supposed to meet in the11 hauler before single practice session to go over some notes.
"Ain't no fucking way. She wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole." Denny threw back at him.
"Maybe after those three glasses of wine she had. She did let me kiss her." What? Hearing this made his blood boil. Stupid Martin.
"On the fucking cheek, dumbass." Denny said with a laugh.
"I could probably get her into bed before the kid does." Before Ty could say anything, he heard Christopher speak up.
"Will you two quit it? You two are single-handedly going to make her quit. And then both end up in HR for sexual harassment." They finally got to the corner where Ty was standing.
"Ty-Ty!" Martin said, reaching over to ruffle his blonde hair. Ty dodged his hand. "Someone is a little touchy this morning."
"Leave him alone, Truex." Thank God for Christopher or Ty probably would have a black eye after trying to fight Martin. Joe walked in shortly after to get their quick meeting started before it was time for practice. "They knew you were in the hauler already. That's why they were saying those things."
"Kinda figured." Ty said, slipping his sunglasses over his eyes.
"What's up with you the last few days?"
"Nothing." Christopher looked over the the young driver. "I may or may not have expressed my feelings for Jocelyn. To her. Over the phone."
"Oh. How did that go?"
"How do you think? She hung up on me and I haven't heard from her since."
"Don't tell me I messed up because I know I did. I was going to try and make the feelings go away, but you guys went out with her last week and it just kinda tumbled from there. Like words vomit."
"That's how I told Morgan I loved her for the first time." Christopher said with a laugh.
"And then Elle decided to bribe me for 50 bucks to keep her mouth shut and..." Ty took a deep breath. "Elle is basically keeping my secret for a Taylor Swift album." Christoper couldn't help but laugh again. "It's so nice you find this hilarious, Bell."
"It's going to be fun watch you and Truex though."
"That smug jerk face."
"That what?" Christopher asked, trying to contain his laughter once again.
"He's a smug jerk face and he knows it."
"If you say so. Have a good practice."

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