Chapter 30

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"Jocie!" Jocelyn could have sworn she had just heard her best friend's voice coming from behind her. That would be impossible. Marisa is 535 miles away in Asheville. Right? "Jocelyn Grace Davis, turn that cute butt around!" Jocelyn turned around before Marisa wrapped her arms around her best friend.
"What are you doing here?" Jocelyn asked, finally pulling out of Marisa's embrace.
"Ty arranged it. He knew you and I hated being so far part, he arranged for me, Jared, and Alyssa to come down for the race weekend."
"Where is Alyssa?" The three of them looked around, not seeing Jared's sister anywhere.
"I'm not sure. She was right behind us." Jared said before his phone went off. "It's Alyssa. She's...going to explore on her own and will meet up with us later." Jared said with a confused frown.
"That doesn't sound like her at all." Jocelyn said.
"She has been extremely stressed out lately. Alyssa was really happy to get out of Atlanta."
"How is her business going?"
"She said it's going really well. Three weddings planned for this weekend." Alyssa Campbell ran a highly successful event planning business in Atlanta, Georgia. Anyone who is anyone used Campbell Events for thier parties and/or weddings. "In about two months, she's co-hosting a charity event with the Atlanta Falcons."
"That's amazing!"
"She's really proud of that one." Jared looked around. "Where's Ty?" Jocelyn looked around as well, finally finding him standing over by his hauler with Chris Gayle.
"He's over there. Come on." Jared and Marisa followed Jocelyn over to the 54 hauler. "Tyler Randall Gibbs." Ty whipped his head in her direction fully expecting a stern look on Jocelyn's face. His face softened when he saw Jared and Marisa walking behind her.
"I see you found your surprise."
"How did you manage to keep this from me? You're terrible at keeping secrets."
"I have my ways."
"Thank you. This was absolutely perfect." Ty just smiled.
"I did arrange for three people..." Ty looked around, noticing the absence of Alyssa.
"Solo exploring, I guess."
"I guess I'm giving us you two the hauler tour. I'll meet you in the garage in a bit, Chris." The group headed into the empty hauler, Marisa noticing the change in body language between Ty and Jocelyn. As soon as the door to the hauler closed, Ty wrapped his arm around Jocelyn's shoulders. They laced their fingers together before he pulled her close for a kiss. Marisa hated that they still had to keep their relationship a secret. She knew it was killing Jocelyn inside every day she couldn't say anything.
"So this is where the magic happens?" Jared asked.
"This is where the crew stores their suits, tools, radios. We also have snacks in those drawers." Ty pointed to the drawers behind Jared.
"Courtesy of yours truly." Jocelyn said with a smile.
"Those boys can't pass up Costco snacks." Ty added.
"Jackson is always asking for the best Costco snacks."
"I could go for a snack." Marisa said, opening one of the drawers. "This little one always has me starving." Marisa grabbed a granola bar out of the drawer before closing it.
"Are you excited or nervous to be  come parents?" Ty asked.
"A little bit a both. I honestly can't wait though." Marisa put a hand on her swollen stomach.
"And when do you find out?"
"Just a couple more weeks."
"And when is the move?"
"The 26th of September. I've already started packing room by room." They stood in the hauler for a while before it was time for Ty to qualify.
"I'll keep these two company while you qualify." Jocelyn said, turned to face Ty.
"I actually want to watch qualifying." Jared piped up.
"You can definitely come."
"I guess Marisa and I will see if we can find Alyssa." Marisa gave Jared a kiss and Jocelyn Ty before they left the hauler. "Thank you again for this amazing surprise. I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Oh! Hard into the wall goes Ryan Blaney, off the nose of Ty Gibbs and the big one happens behind him." Jocelyn watched from the hauler TV in absolute disbelief. His playoff hopes were over. All because of a bad push from Christopher.
"You should probably head to the care center." Jared said, pulling Jocelyn out of her trance.
"I should really keep my distance right now."
"He'll probably want to see you after that." Jocelyn only nodded before heading out of the hauler. The walk from the garage area to the care center wasn't as long as Jocelyn thought it would be, but still gave her plenty of time to build up nerves. How was he going to be when she got there. Ty hadn't emerged from the care center by the time she got there, so Jocelyn hung around behind the reporters with his PR Rep and waited. When he finally came out, Jocelyn noticed the slightly annoyed look on his face. She knew he hadn't spotted her yet. Jocelyn stood there, listening to him talk to the reporters. One of the reports obviously struck a nerve with Ty.
"I don't know, it sucks. Trying to rub it in?" He finished the interviews before heading to his PR rep. That's when he finally noticed Jocelyn. "What are you doing over here?"
"Figured I'd come over and see if you needed any therapy." Jocelyn said, making sure his PR rep didn't suspect anything.
"Yeah, back at the hauler." The trio got on the golf cart and headed back to the hauler. Once they got there, Ty's wrecked racecar sat in front of the hauler. Ty let out a sharp sigh.
"I need everyone out of the hauler for an emergency therapy session, please." Jocelyn announced, getting off the golf cart.
"We have to get this car ready to get back." Chris Gayle said.
"And I'm asking for five minutes with Ty inside the hauler." Jocelyn countered. Chris didn't argue. Ty followed Jocelyn into the hauler. "Can you two hang out outside?" Jocelyn asked Jared and Marisa. Both nodded before leaving the pair alone. Jocelyn turned to Ty. "Ty..."
"I can't even..." Ty picked up the closest thing he could find and threw it as hard as he could at the wall of the hauler. "I so fucking close. Such a good car." Ty grabbed another object and threw it.
"Can we spare the stuff in the hauler?"
"I never had to try in the Xfinity Series to be good. Hell, I won my very first Xfinity race I ever ran. I thought I'd have a win by now."
"I don't know what else I can do to get that win, Joce. All my teammates have wins. Hell, even a guy who hadn't won in five years has a win."
"It will come."
"When? I'm tired of coming up empty handed week in and week out. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, maybe..." Jocelyn cut him off with a kiss.
"You will win. Mark my words, Tyler Randall Gibbs, you will be a Cup Series winner."
"How do you know what to say to calm me down."
"I'm a therapist, Ty. It's what I get paid to do." She said with a smile. "What do you want to now?"
"Go back to the house. Get my dream girl naked in the bedroom." Jocelyn laughed.
"We can arrange that." Ty gave her a kiss. "We good now?"
"Yes. It's definitely going to stink, but it will be alright."

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